I didn’t know I was a creep until now. Thanks, internet!


  1. I saw the whole video, even in this condensed reel I didn’t sense any revulsion from the lady or you being a creep. I think you were just friendly. And I like the three languages you were conversing in (English, Japanese & Korean).

  2. bro the second comment was like dont call her kawaii like the word doesnt mean cute 💀 they're acting like its gross and fetishizy like what

  3. She seems happy and not creeped out and he's treating her nice. No signs of creepiness at all.

  4. Well, looks like someone feel so jealous. That person probably don't know what compliment means.

  5. Not creepy. I actually felt you could've asked her on a date. She was definitely down. She didn't really want you to leave it seems. So not creepy at all

  6. There are groups of people who seek attention by overdoing everything. This is part of Asia guys we're peaceful, Jimmy is not a creep at all he just doing fine in our own culture. Keyboard warmongers should have been neglected. They're just a bunch of losers who want some attention. Now they know they got some.

  7. coming from a woman, she didn't look creeped out at all. I've had plenty of share of creeps, you were just being nice and even treated her to some food!

  8. Say a woman is cute, and you are a creep. Might as well insult them, it seems like they want that anyway.

  9. Trust me Jimmy, those woke-ass comments against you, are the ugly ones. For sure. I love your playboy typa thing, making sure a woman is happy with you. ❤🎉

  10. Don't listen to those people , they just don't know how to interact with other humans. There is nothing wrong in complimenting a fellow human!!

  11. Everyday in the western world we stray further from god, and in a failed attempt to be more utopian become more dystopian.

  12. The people who call u creepy are the freaky ones cause their the ones that think of something dirty when u do this.

  13. people just love calling everyone a creep nowadays 😭 like if someone called me cute i wouldn't be offended it's not like you said it in a weird way

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