If ever there was a doubt about the location simply because to the untrained ear Korean sounds a bit like chinese, there is always one sure way to know, Only Koreans use Metal Chopsticks( BTW 10/10 Idea, saves on wood cutting and also they can be reforged into new Sticks, so , while not 100% echo friendly, it's as close as you can get)
And before Anyone( I'm looking at you random westerner) get's Bhurt about my comment, I've been told by friendlly Norsemen that Romanian French, Italian and Spanish sound the same to them, t owhish I replied that their languages also sound the same to us :D.
Now i know what to do when aliens came to earth they will be tasted good to be served with that sauce..
맛있게 잘 써시네요 ㅎ 오징어도 포를 뜬게 더 맛있던데ㅎ 취향차이지만
If ever there was a doubt about the location simply because to the untrained ear Korean sounds a bit like chinese, there is always one sure way to know, Only Koreans use Metal Chopsticks( BTW 10/10 Idea, saves on wood cutting and also they can be reforged into new Sticks, so , while not 100% echo friendly, it's as close as you can get)
And before Anyone( I'm looking at you random westerner) get's Bhurt about my comment, I've been told by friendlly Norsemen that Romanian French, Italian and Spanish sound the same to them, t owhish I replied that their languages also sound the same to us :D.
That other squid, lying on the slab watching his bro get sliced up with those big, sad eyes…
도마 위생상태가…
도마 좀 바꺼라 드러워죽겟네
손질 깔끔하게 맛깔나게 잘하신다..
친구가 회떠지는걸 수족관에서 바라보는 오징어는 심정이 어떨까 ….좀 가려주면 좋겠는데…
if that towel is not clean, the whole squid is contaminated and can lead to food poisoning. It is recommended to use a Kitchen Towel instead