Maruetsu is a popular grocery chain specifically in Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa. This time we filmed manly Lunch box, sushi, fresh fish, frozen food, and a little bit produces. Due to shortage of camera battery couldn’t film snack and beverage and so on but this store also has the sections which is very typical and cozy supermarket.
Supermarkets playlist:
Convenience Store playlist:
I also explore convenience stores, video game and anime stores in Japan.
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Maruetsu adalah jaringan toko kelontong yang populer khususnya di Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa. Kali ini kami merekam kotak makan siang yang gagah, sushi, ikan segar, makanan beku, dan sedikit hasil bumi. Karena keterbatasan baterai kamera, kami tidak dapat merekam makanan ringan dan minuman, tetapi toko ini juga memiliki bagian yang sangat khas dan nyaman seperti supermarket.
Your passion for what you do is inspiring, thank you for sharing! 🔥💪
I continue to be amazed at how inexpensive the prepared food is in Japan. Last time I was there we had ~10 gyoza for about 200 yen from a takeaway and it was excellent. Last week we had 4 gyoza at a local Japanese restaurant as an appetizer for $6. Either way, my mouth was watering looking at all that lovely katsu!