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  1. Janie hi you guy stay safe in Europe lates a long time I could not do that but I am glad your seeing thing sorry your so tired hope things get better God you all hug and kiss love you all. Janie

  2. Hi guys. I stayed at the same hotel in January. 👍
    Jetlag is really bad sometimes. For me it's worse when flying east. I once travelled from Frankfurt via Singapore to Sydney and had a terrible Jetlag for 6 days 😱It was crazy.

    Enjoy your time here in Europe. Your itinerary sounds great. Looking forward to watch the videos. 🙂

  3. I’m so sorry you have such severe jet lag! Next time stay overnight In Singapore for a day or two..then fly to the Netherlands!

  4. Hope you will also visit Germany later on.
    Get yourself a nice Frikandel Special when you are in the Netherlands ! even though I hardly ever eat any meat at all I like Frikandel a lot and I think you would Probably also like it !

    Also I can recommend stopping in Venlo if you actually go east

  5. Welcome in オランダ!! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Looking forward to your videos! Gambatte with everything🍀

  6. You should go to the "Efteling" in Kaatsheuvel and afterwards can you come to our house for dutch homemade peasoup

  7. Enjoy NL For Satoshi-san, De Molen brewery might be very enjoyable (north of Rotterdam, looks for "Brouwerij De Molen")

  8. Omg😲 I miss Holland so much 🤗 enjoy Amsterdam (and the boat trip if you like)😘

  9. It looks like you had a great ganja session! Have a nice trip x

  10. Please let us know when you’re in Belgium! Which city (cities) will you visit in Belgium?

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