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Janie hi you guy stay safe in Europe lates a long time I could not do that but I am glad your seeing thing sorry your so tired hope things get better God you all hug and kiss love you all. Janie
Hi guys. I stayed at the same hotel in January. 👍
Jetlag is really bad sometimes. For me it's worse when flying east. I once travelled from Frankfurt via Singapore to Sydney and had a terrible Jetlag for 6 days 😱It was crazy.
Enjoy your time here in Europe. Your itinerary sounds great. Looking forward to watch the videos. 🙂
Hi..I can definitely hear & see you!
I’m so sorry you have such severe jet lag! Next time stay overnight In Singapore for a day or two..then fly to the Netherlands!
Hope you will also visit Germany later on.
Get yourself a nice Frikandel Special when you are in the Netherlands ! even though I hardly ever eat any meat at all I like Frikandel a lot and I think you would Probably also like it !
Also I can recommend stopping in Venlo if you actually go east
Welcome in オランダ!! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Looking forward to your videos! Gambatte with everything🍀
You should go to the "Efteling" in Kaatsheuvel and afterwards can you come to our house for dutch homemade peasoup
Enjoy NL For Satoshi-san, De Molen brewery might be very enjoyable (north of Rotterdam, looks for "Brouwerij De Molen")
Welcome to the Netherlands! Enjoy the trip! Go to the Efteling theme park! 🙂
Omg😲 I miss Holland so much 🤗 enjoy Amsterdam (and the boat trip if you like)😘
He’s been enjoying the weed clearly. Shinichi looks high as a kite here
It looks like you had a great ganja session! Have a nice trip x
Have a great trip, guys. Stay safe!
Wish you come to Paris too! ❤ But scared at the same time😂
Welcome to my home country!
I’ve been wanting to go to Amsterdam! Hope you have a great time!
Please let us know when you’re in Belgium! Which city (cities) will you visit in Belgium?
Enjoy your trip but get some rest so you all don’t get sick. Take care!
Are you planing to come to Germany as well?