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  1. The Only Dating Site I highly recommend for best results!

    Meet a serious Filipina today, sign up for Christian Filipina with my link below to find your true love.


    Travel Medical Insurance. Protect yourself from a travel emergency.


    Need a Throw away ticket, look no further $14 for a valid ticket ( I use this all the time).


    The only VPN I trust and use personally: Surfshark


    Book your hotel when traveling with my link for the best deals:


    Gio's Essentials Traveling List (Must have items for living or traveling in the Philippines)

    Order today!


    Wise get your first transfer for free:


    An awesome free Philippines dating site with 500+ new members joining daily!


    If you would like to buy me a coffee:


    If you would like to help support my channel:


    Visiting or moving to The Philippines? 1 on 1 Consultation with Gio: Contact me at: (For a free consultation join my patreon today)


    My Patreon account: Over 80 Exclusive videos not found on YouTube and free consultations and apparel with silver level and higher.


    Check out my website for more information on the Philippines.


    Contact Information:

    Contact me by visiting my website and clicking contact Gio

    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe.

  2. It's not really surprising that many people don't travel. 40% of Americans have never been out of the USA. 11% have never left their state!

    For me traveling is all about change from your normal daily life. But I guess some people like things the same all the time. Same places, food, drink etc.

  3. I was wondering how you do your immigration to Vietnam as an American etc.

    I'm still listening to your vlog. $100 one way is dirt cheap. Maybe in your next vlog you can discuss your immigration clearance to Vietnam.

  4. You will love Hoi An, yes it’s touristy colourful with crowds and beautiful by the river and it has a great vibe, so much to see historically and it has a lovely beach area too. I personally liked Ninh Binh just south of Hanoi, it’s a beautiful area to stay for a few days, much more relaxing with amazing scenery and a lot less tourists! I’ve never understand why people don’t travel to the different countries around S.E.Asia, been to all of them plus Japan, South Korea even India, Nepal and Hong Kong, yes it takes time and money but the memories you’ll have are priceless 😊

  5. You should ask xpats to come look at the apartments where your at and then as soon as they hear the dogs tell your landlord no thanks. Maybe he'll be more proactive on getting them quiet.

  6. Did you get the impression that the authorities at Manilla airport were checking vax status/negative test pretty closely. Just wondered because I am traveling there in a few days and I won't be able to get the test within 24 hours of my flight because I will be traveling on a separate airline to get to LA the day before. It seems I can just get a test when I arrive but I wonder if they are really even asking. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for the travel tips… Ohhh I know it bro I want to go to Krabi as well that place seems super nice I haven't found any place thats nice in Vietnam yet what nice places have you found?

  8. I wish you and your girl good luck on your ventures.. thanks for letting us know what is going on👍👌🤗😎

  9. Will Maya's daughter be traveling with you to any of the places you plan to visit, when she is on school break? Will it be a problem taking her out of the Philippines?

  10. You comparing Bangkok to Manila missed several points. Manila infrastructure is crap in comparison to BKK. Crime in Manila is > than BKK. Manila traffic is > than BKK, Manila pollution is far > than BKK, Corruption amongst Government officials ie: police is only a fraction of Manila & NCR.
    So you essentially berated BKK.

  11. Just a question, in a previous video, you mentioned that your girlfriend has a child, who lives with you, how do you travel around so much, I would be interested to know

  12. I am sure your girlfriend appreciates the travel. I loved my stay in Duma but the airline travel can be a nightmare(No fault of the crew-they were wonderful) but the Airlines changes are a pain. I now have my flight booked many months in advance, to another part of the Philippines and may not even make the flight out of the U.S. 🤣. What airlines do you recommend?

  13. Gio, planning on Australia for a trip? well, get ready for a very expensive trip. I am an Australian, and my friends give me feedback on what prices are there and they are unbelievably expensive. I have long-term friends I can stay there so accommodation for me is a non-issue. An example, one pint of draught beer is $10 Australian, almost $7 USD, or P382 pesos. It only gets more interesting from there. Cheers mate.

  14. I muted the video and watched with the captions on bc of the barking.
    I'm excited to see your trip to Vietnam. I'd love to travel there someday but not sure if it would be difficult bc of the language barrier

  15. In addition to Thailand, or Vietnam, what countries can a Filipina visit with a Philippines passport?

  16. Vietnam air checked that I had an onward or return ticket on both ends. Going in and coming out to Thailand. So you might want to at least use one of those onward ticket websites or you could be denied boarding.

  17. Those dogs are ridiculous. They're barking non stop. My brother's neighbor in the US has a bunch of barking dogs but they are nothing compared to what you're going through.🐕🏝️

  18. Some suggestions to visit. Penang Island and Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island in Malaysia. Krabi area near Phuket which you mentioned. Kota Kinabalu in Borneo – forest, mountains, wildlife in the area.

  19. Bouncing around Asia for the last 15 years, I would strongly recommend getting visas before plane tickets to Vietnam. Probably not a huge issue but for sure putting the cart before the horse. And sorry I didn't see you at Ground Zero yesterday. Would have liked to meet you. Cheers

  20. I’m leaving today from Washington state US to Dumaguete and will be there Saturday night. My next trip will be Bali. Hope to see you and Maya while I’m there. Maybe some deep dish pizza, my treat.

  21. Vietnamese food is some of the best in the world. They have wonderful soil and grow so many varieties of vegetables and fruit, it will blow your mind. What a beautiful country to visit especially the areas you mention! The people are so gentle and kind too.

  22. For you young people it might be Ho Chi Minh City, BUT for us Vietnam Veterans it will always be Saigon. Enjoy your trip.

  23. Maybe you can get some friends together and share a place? Maybe 4 friends who split 3 months up a year and share the cost? I would consider sharing a place with you in Thailand.. I'm in Angeles City with my GF.. Why not consider Central and South America? Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador are all places Filipinos can travel and stay longterm without a visa.. That is my plan in a few years.. All are pretty cheap to stay in also

  24. Wouldn't it be cheaper booking round trips? Or is it similar to book separately if you scout around?

  25. Do you think you will ever visit the USA, or likely never again?

  26. For anyone from a developing country, building travel history is a bit like building credit history… start small & grow it.

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