Welcome to asianbeat channel! If you want to change your language settings: ①Click “CC” icon and then click “gear icon (settings)”② Select “Subtitles/CC” ③ Select “Auto-translate”; select a subtitle language you want! ୨୧💖୨୧💖୨୧💖 Kali ini mantan member JKT48, Ghaida Farisya, bersama Youtuber Indonesia, Davidbeatt, mengunjungi kota Fukuchi yang terletak di wilayah Chikuho, prefektur Fukuoka. Di sini, mereka bisa melihat Aganoyaki, salah satu kerajinan tradisional Jepang sambil belajar tentang sejarahnya, dan merasakan membuat karya sendiri.

🌟 Contents:
▶ 00:15 Intro
▶ 03:15 Arrival at Watari Potters at Fukuchi Town in Fukuoka
▶ 03:46 History of Aganoyaki & Tradition & Culture of Japan
▶ 12:00 Pottery Experience
▶ 12:31 Ending

🌟Exciting Fukuoka feat. Ghaida & Davidbeatt EP1~3:

🌟 Special Thanks to:
▶Aganoyaki Soke Watari potters:  http://watarigama.com/

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#GhaidaFarisya, an ex- #JKT48 member, and #Davidbeatt, a popular YouTuber among young Indonesians, visited Watarigama, one of Aganoyaki potters in Fukuchi Town of Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Aganoyaki/Agano ware is a form of pottery produced around the town. It dated back to 1602. Mr. Watari, the owner of Watarigama, is Aganoyaki 12th Soke/the 12th Grand Master of Aganoyaki. They enjoyed learning about the history of Aganoyaki and some tradition and culture of Japan💖


💖 元#JKT48メンバーの#ガイダ・ファリシャさんとインドネシアの人気Youtuberの#Davidbeattさんたちは、県内福智町にある上野焼の渡窯を訪れました。上野焼は福智町付近でつくられる陶器で、歴史は1602年まで遡ります。渡窯のオーナーである渡氏は、上野焼12代宗家。お二人は、上野焼の歴史や日本の伝統文化について楽しく学びました💖 

#Fukuoka #Japan #Aganoyaki #travel #trip #activities #experience #potter #art #culture #history #福岡県 #上野焼

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