A day in the life of a Japanese working mother of 2 children living in Tokyo Japan. This is the life of a Typical Japanese family living in Tokyo Japan with both parents working. Hifumi, 27 years old, works in Tokyo and runs her own churro shop while taking care of her 2 Japanese kids. The 2 Tokyo kids usually go to the nursery around 8:30 on weekdays so mornings are usually chaotic on top of her regular work schedule which starts shortly after she drops them off and continues until the afternoon, then she has to juggle the 2 kids schedules picking them up at separate times usually between 3-4 to also shuttle them separately to one of their many extracurricular activities and to finally bring them home just in time for dinner, but since today is a weekend there’s a slower pace to things, nonetheless Hifumi still has to balance some of her work today, while also taking care of her kids. She actually took several years off of work after giving birth, as she struggled mentally to take care of them on her own, while her husband worked to support the family financially. In Japan, it’s common enough for women to completely handle the child rearing responsibilities, that the term, one ope was coined, meaning one parent operation. But ultimately she decided being a Japanese housewife wasn’t for her and eagerly took a production job and eventually started her own business. Being a working mom in Japan isn’t easy, but she definitely prefers being a business owner compared to working at job for some else like when she worked in production. Now, she’s able to better manage and dictate her schedule so she can be flexible for her kids activities. Today, we’ll see how this working Japanese mother manages her time between work, home and kids.

Hifumi’s IG – @hi_tsuno
Palm Tree (Churros shop) IG – @palm_tree2021
Palm Tree Yoga – https://goo.gl/maps/fVyLcD8Tttx4MyKB8
Palm Tree Kichijoji – https://goo.gl/maps/DCE7MWbNQSLphUWQA

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  1. Love love love. However, little girl especially needs to learn to be a little independent it will help her mum a lot. Throwing the dolls at her instead of waiting patiently or doing it herself.

    Being carried at that age, that’s why her mum gets into her zone and gets frustrated. I hope it works out better.

  2. I’m a working mum too living in Tokyo, originally from Singapore. It’s much harder in Japan 😢

  3. Ommggg when said until they were 2.5 years old it was hard I feeeelllt that so much, made me tear up cuz my daughter just turned 2 last month & it's definitely hard not being able to understand them & they just cry so much for what they want or do want, & my daughters nickname is Nana lol & I love the moms style 💗

  4. Watching this makes me NOT want to have 2 kids. Unless they’re at least 10 years apart or so 😅

  5. Much respect to the hard working business owner mother. She went hard from 6-12am

  6. 3:41 That look of surprise on his face shows the truth of it. He’s just smart enough to say he’s right. Haha

  7. Women like this are saving Japan. 2 kids to sustain the population & creating a business that employs people who need to start or support in the work force. Its women like this who accomplish so much & save a country with Japan's situation. She's a mother and entrepreneur. She also has a reliable husband that supports her in her goals. Even if he can't really do much in child rearing, he helps create a financial safety net so the family can always have what they need. This also also allows the mother to pursue running her own business with less risk. She has been able to succeed & she is growing her business which is a good sign of prosperity. This family is efficient & amazingly strong.
    Kinda sad the poodle stays home all day alone tho😥

  8. I like how she's raising her kids to be independent but in a good way. Can what what they want
    Takes time with them and doesn't tell and let's them help clean it up

  9. Great inside to Japanesee life, but poor dog, nobody seem to walking him, keeping him as a toy
    … they shoud get hamster instead

  10. Hardworking mom!^_^ Sad about the attitudes of kids it's exhausting for parents. Children are a blessing and hopefully they like having a sibling to play with ❤ Too much of time on tv or ipad isn't good for development. Even for adults too much is not good. If I have kids they aren't getting a full smartphone until college hopefully lol

  11. It's amazing that a woman at her age in Japan can have two children, a house… I am her age , living with my parents and full time looking for a job 🙁

  12. how long was the husbands work day, sheesh. both parents roles seem exhausting, maybe ill just get more dogs

  13. I appreciate how hard she work but her husband went back for quick dinner and have to go back to office like he had more hours in his day then everyone else. Man God bless this family.

  14. I find this so crazy that we're both 27 and she has two kids and here I am in bed contemplating ordering Starbucks 🤣

  15. Id prefer to see more working class people's lives, rich people are just annoying.

  16. if that is a working day in Japan… lets not talk about a working day as a single mum in germany. xDDD

  17. Enjoy time with your kids while you can. You gonna miss those. Once your kid big enough they will busy playing with their friends.

  18. Why does it seem she is working more and harder than the husband 😅

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