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Snapchat: @SiananScrivner


  1. You too come to Japan, to an onsen, and use the words "traumatised" and "disgusting" to describe you seeing naked people in a traditional, Japanese bathhouse…

    Yall are both disrespectful and unnecessary explicit about it. What the hell, you two…

  2. Traumatised? 🤨 i've been to the onsens and i think i know , but its not as bad as you think it is.. unless it's something else.. i'm more traumatised you wore swimsuits in onsens

  3. the fact that you are disgusted by people not wearing clothes in an onsen is so stupid, they are not supposed to be wearing clothes due to the fact of them needing to preserve the onsen’s cleanliness. onsens are somewhat sacred places, so it is fair for them to want to do that. please stay educated and not jump to the most sexual thing you can think of.

  4. I’m sorry . You can’t body shame people like that . Especially in a nude onsan ….. calling people disgusting is just low ….

  5. I went to an onset in Japan and my husband’s mom and him pressured me to go into one! They are both Japanese so they wanted me to experience how good it was. I was just too embarrassed to be butt naked! It was great though!!

  6. It’s extremely rude to be filming inside an onsen without permission, privacy is paramount and to bring a camera into an area where people bath is very inappropriate.

  7. I hope you don't mean seeing other naked people at an ONSEN was the "disgusting" thing that /traumatized/ you…

  8. ? did you see someone naked?? that's very normal and expected at an onsen… i dont know what you were expecting…

  9. No I infact can't put the pieces together because you didn't fucking say anything about it!

  10. It's normal to be naked in hot springs, and it's not a cultural shock… These two women seem naive and unsophisticated. (Why are you filming in hot springs….
    (I am using a translator for this comment, because when I type in Japanese, the comment couldn't be posted.)

  11. What the hell is wrong with you guys? You went to an Onsen, in Japan. With both a bathingsuit room, and a traditional nude one, and You're disgusted by people going about their day? You're traumatized by them going about their day? What is wrong with you? And to film in there? You shouldn't be filming around a location people are trying to relax in.

  12. Stupid bimbos. That’s why locals dislike foreigners. Show your little ass cheeks and call it a video.

  13. Sometimes you have to respect people's culture. 😉.
    For all morons who doesn't know, nakedness in japan specially onsen/public baths. Did we call Westerners disgusting for fucking every relationship/dating partner they had? It's culture. A little google before going here will save you. 🎉🎉🎉

    This concludes that blonde woman are dumb. Ez don't recommend channel button.

  14. this woman really thought seeing NAKED people taking a bath is DISGUSTING like what are they supposed to do wear gucci shit while taking a batch? shut yo white ass up

  15. I honestly hate people like you. The only phrases in japanese you know are probably "こんにちわ" and "ありがと". In fact, you probably cant even read those hiragana.

    I am honestly pissed off that you go to an 温泉 and act all traumatized when you see someone naked. It is what you do in a proper onsen.

    I also like how you give us zero context of what traumatized you, making people watch your shitty video until the end.

    And, i know you will probably delete this comment, so go ahead you uncultured swine.

  16. You go to a Japanese onsen and see naked people, so? What the hell did u expect? It's a traditional Japanese BATHHOUSE And have the actual audacity to call it "diSguStinG" and "trAumatiSing".
    Please learn about the culture properly before recording. Also recording in an Onsen is not really ok..since people come there to relax in the hot springs and not to be recorded by rude ass foreigners.

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