Travel American Food – The BEST TAMARIND CHICKEN WINGS in New York City! Teranga Manhattan NYC January 20, 2023 20 Comments Dan James 2 years ago Not enough color on those wings. Need to put them under broiler or throw in deep fryer for a couple minutes. Street Food Network 2 years ago Wow so yummy and delicious Mick Mathew 2 years ago Yuck 🤮 he licked the glove and started mixing the chicken… Azik Q 2 years ago Welcome to los pollos hermanos SpockBorg5 2 years ago Should've used a spoon instead of back of glove to test the sauce Irma Yusnita 2 years ago protein dapet, serat dapet, vitamin pasti dapet bgt meestaShin 2 years ago Word is this is as fast as he can go. Cornelia Mundt 2 years ago The guy licked his glove and didn't change them. This is total ugly. Ordinary 2 years ago Выглядит аппетитно, но порции маленькие. Интересно, сколько это стоит. Жаль, сто они цены не показывают. Stephen Bullock 2 years ago Looks very delicious 😋 Руслан Унгурян 2 years ago idiot peels bananas with a knife JPJ 2 years ago That was disgusting. No matter how good the food looks. He licked the glove and and then mixed the food. ThiVu_Channel 2 years ago Cánh gà quả Me . Ngon lắm. Thank bạn đã chia sẻ video hay nhé.👍👍👍 boca psw20 2 years ago Wow masakan asem Jawa iya kak Lezatnya kakWelcome the house aku iyah 딜리셔스트릿 DeliciouSTREET 2 years ago 음~소스 맛이 궁금하네요😊 adventure game maniac bang bang 2 years ago Jawa indonesia adventure game maniac bang bang 2 years ago Why little wings chicken? Because chicken kampung indonesian its little, (chicken ville) and very crispy. المطبخ والتدبير المتزلي مع فوز 2 years ago واووووووووو Brian Moody 2 years ago The chef understands ,the way who to fix a meal with the right ingredients flavor and tastes it is up too the chef on who he wants his food to be seen,there’s a lot of great time understanding love and heart . Thomas 2 years ago Reminds me of chamoy chicken wingsWrite A CommentYou must be logged in to post a comment.
Dan James 2 years ago Not enough color on those wings. Need to put them under broiler or throw in deep fryer for a couple minutes.
Ordinary 2 years ago Выглядит аппетитно, но порции маленькие. Интересно, сколько это стоит. Жаль, сто они цены не показывают.
JPJ 2 years ago That was disgusting. No matter how good the food looks. He licked the glove and and then mixed the food.
adventure game maniac bang bang 2 years ago Why little wings chicken? Because chicken kampung indonesian its little, (chicken ville) and very crispy.
Brian Moody 2 years ago The chef understands ,the way who to fix a meal with the right ingredients flavor and tastes it is up too the chef on who he wants his food to be seen,there’s a lot of great time understanding love and heart .
Not enough color on those wings. Need to put them under broiler or throw in deep fryer for a couple minutes.
Wow so yummy and delicious
Yuck 🤮 he licked the glove and started mixing the chicken…
Welcome to los pollos hermanos
Should've used a spoon instead of back of glove to test the sauce
protein dapet, serat dapet, vitamin pasti dapet bgt
Word is this is as fast as he can go.
The guy licked his glove and didn't change them. This is total ugly.
Выглядит аппетитно, но порции маленькие. Интересно, сколько это стоит. Жаль, сто они цены не показывают.
Looks very delicious 😋
idiot peels bananas with a knife
That was disgusting. No matter how good the food looks. He licked the glove and and then mixed the food.
Cánh gà quả Me . Ngon lắm. Thank bạn đã chia sẻ video hay nhé.👍👍👍
Wow masakan asem Jawa iya kak
Lezatnya kak
Welcome the house aku iyah
음~소스 맛이 궁금하네요😊
Jawa indonesia
Why little wings chicken? Because chicken kampung indonesian its little, (chicken ville) and very crispy.
The chef understands ,the way who to fix a meal with the right ingredients flavor and tastes it is up too the chef on who he wants his food to be seen,there’s a lot of great time understanding love and heart .
Reminds me of chamoy chicken wings