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  1. every cuntry has the right size exept fckn US its still huge on the map and u said this video is for information not to blame anyone and ur probably also from the US

  2. But sadly for the less developed but bigger countries in Africa and South America, they continually underachieve when compared to the smaller European countries. What has any African, or South American country actually invented in modern times? Nothing. So maybe showing the northern hemisphere countries as much larger is a better representation of their power, influence and contribution to the modern world.

  3. Just trace a globe with tracing paper, trace it onto a large poster board or something, color them in (optional), and viola, a non-distorted world map that looks normal

  4. Every world map is wrong because there is no way to cut a sphere and end up with a completely flat object.

  5. Me: just finding Bangladesh
    Nas: he did'nt put
    Me:why 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

  6. errors: niemcy(germany) invaded benelux, polska(poland) invaded czechia, austria invaded, slovakia and switzerland, turkey invaded azerbajian, iran invaded armenia, bangladesh is missing, south sudan is missing, italy invaded part of france, jordan invaded fewer countries, there could be more mistakes too!

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