Popular Street food in rainy day | Chicken Sajji | Kabuli Pulao recipe | Kabab | Soup | Nashta | Breakfast in Kabul Afghanistan | Popular and traditional street food | Subha ka nashta Morning food | Breakfast in Kabul arzan keemat | Liver fry | Channa | Paratha | Milk | Biryani | Kabuli pulao | Breakfast recipe | Channa and lobya | Naan | Tandoori naan | BBQ | Chinaki | Konduzi Kabab

#BreakfastInJalalabad #Afghanistan #MorningFood #SubhaKaNashta #LiverFry #Biryani #Channa #Beans #Chainaki #KabulStreetfood #KabuliPulaoRecipe #ChickenRecipe


  1. Спасибо блогер!👍👍 Thank you blogger! 👍👍 Хороший бизнес ! Народу сколько! 👍👍👍Good business ! How many people!👍👍Мир ДОМУ ТВОЕМУ ! Берегите себя !🙏🙏🙏 PEACE TO YOUR HOUSE ! Take care of yourself! 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Did you see how they cooked chicken? ON a skewer, over charcoal then squirted orange juice over it.

  3. Great ! I worked with a lebanese friend in a restaurant. The food is very good. I like to eat sitting on the floor.

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