I am literally unable to find anything as far as mods are concerned, besides Tom’s body kit.
Excuse me for spoiling your fun . Jdm is an abbreviation of Japanese Domestic Market . That means litterally cars that are built for the japanese market . Which have the steering wheel on the right side . And usually have different models and model names . Happy holidays .
I’m entirely uneducated on the drivetrain in these, but you could definitely do some wheels and some low to make it look better. Might even drive better if you do it right! I’d also look at lighting mods, they’re a cheap and easy way to modify the look of your car without breaking the bank. A lot of cars have parts that can be swapped between trim levels as well, so things like lips, wings, and someone’s bumpers can be thrown on without paying a premium.
bigger wheels by 2 inches, lower a little & full low custom bodykit.
Engine swap
I personally aspire to build a yaris as close to rally as possible it is a great aesthetic for the car imo. But that isn’t everyones taste ofcourse.
I am literally unable to find anything as far as mods are concerned, besides Tom’s body kit.
Excuse me for spoiling your fun . Jdm is an abbreviation of Japanese Domestic Market . That means litterally cars that are built for the japanese market . Which have the steering wheel on the right side . And usually have different models and model names . Happy holidays .
Leave it alone. It’s just a Yaris
Best option – get a GR version.
Otherwise, maybe start here:
I’m entirely uneducated on the drivetrain in these, but you could definitely do some wheels and some low to make it look better. Might even drive better if you do it right! I’d also look at lighting mods, they’re a cheap and easy way to modify the look of your car without breaking the bank. A lot of cars have parts that can be swapped between trim levels as well, so things like lips, wings, and someone’s bumpers can be thrown on without paying a premium.
bigger wheels by 2 inches, lower a little & full low custom bodykit.
Engine swap
I personally aspire to build a yaris as close to rally as possible it is a great aesthetic for the car imo. But that isn’t everyones taste ofcourse.
[rally build](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fhips.hearstapps.com%2Fhmg-prod%2Fimages%2Ftoyota-gr-yaris-rally-car-1616779126.jpg%3Fcrop%3D0.609xw%3A0.454xh%3B0.303xw%2C0.274xh%26resize%3D1200%3A*&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.caranddriver.com%2Fnews%2Fa35951475%2Ftoyota-gr-yaris-rally-car%2F&tbnid=gKdGyd7AaJNxPM&vet=12ahUKEwi3zuD635X8AhW1hv0HHaxoB44QMygDegUIARDEAQ..i&docid=snasiHoVU382lM&w=1200&h=599&q=yaris%20rally&ved=2ahUKEwi3zuD635X8AhW1hv0HHaxoB44QMygDegUIARDEAQ)
[official wrc build](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F6%2F69%2FSuzuka_Fan_Thanksgiving_Day_2022_%252831%2529_-_TOYOTA_GR_YARIS_RALLY_1_No.18_in_2022_FIA_World_Rally_Championship.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FToyota_GR_Yaris_Rally1&tbnid=VVWrYrC8NWV67M&vet=12ahUKEwi3zuD635X8AhW1hv0HHaxoB44QMygAegUIARC-AQ..i&docid=7G2Hu2ESZUVugM&w=2560&h=1920&q=yaris%20rally&ved=2ahUKEwi3zuD635X8AhW1hv0HHaxoB44QMygAegUIARC-AQ)
2 weeks ago I ordered my Yaris [GR sport](https://images.app.goo.gl/H9piituyMpwpYWn87), it’s a mid way between normal Yaris and GR one. Check it out! 😉