The best part of traveling in Japan is a traditional tatami rooms and Onsen(hot springs)♨️ We stayed at a onsen ryokan with four private open-air baths! The rooms are clean and comfortable and the staff are polite. It was a really lovely trip.
This area is famous for wasabi, so I ate wasabi for dinner, treats, and breakfast. It was so delicious! In particular, eating breakfast under a kotatsu while looking at the river was the best. For those who want to stay at a Japanese ryokan with a private bath, this is highly recommended!



🚃🚶‍♀️How to get to the ryokan.
・Take a bus from Shuzenji Station, get off at the bus stop “Yugashima Onsen Guchi”, and walk for 5 minutes.
・Alternatively, free shuttle service from bus stop “Yugashima Station” (advance reservation required)

Accommodation fee: 31,900 yen (234.8 USD / € 223.3).

🚃JAPAN RAIL PASS is the economical and convenient means of traveling throughout Japan by rail!!

⌛️Time Stamp
0:00 Opening
0:12 Heading to the Ryokan
2:21 Ryokan
3:38 Room tour
6:35 Private open-air bath①②
9:30 Dinner
12:02 Private open-air bath③④
13:41 Party
14:30 Good night
14:36 Good morning
14:57 Private open-air bath in the morning
15:41 Riverside restaurant (Kawadoko)
17:25 Check-out

#CC_for_Subtitle #japantravel #onsen #asmr

・Titles, descriptions and subtitles done by auto translation so may not be correct.
・The price in the video uses the exchange rate at the time of editing.
・Prices may change depending on the season.
・We may be using affiliate links.
・We are thoroughly taking countermeasures against the virus.


  1. This video brings me so much joy, thank you so much. The ryokan is so peaceful & serene. I will keep this in my 'to-go' list for Japan.

  2. the view from your room was spectacular. we had a place in our city that had an open air hot tub room you could go to for couples. And it was really lovely to go during the winter and sit in the warm water while snow drifted down. also, I've always wanted a kotatsu… it sounds so cosy. but it's hard to find in the US and you have to have special power converters because power differs between countries. it makes me a little sad because I feel like a kotatsu is a good place for a nap if you have one at home.

  3. What a Beautiful and very Kool place the two of you went
    This Video gets 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🤗👍

  4. TAO Việt Nam dạy đời:
    Khiêm nhường chớ kiêu ngạo (nói thẳng: đừng xin quyền cai trị muôn dân nữa)
    Kiêng bớt chớ tham lam (nói thẳng: phải tôn trọng tự do của người khác).

  5. I felt that when you said, "My husband" and we got to see his ring! Congratulations on your marriage, yall! 💕

  6. Gorgeous. I love this account. It is so relaxing and interesting. I hope to visit Japan one day and onsen villages are to of my to do list.

  7. What a nice place to stay 😍 I am writing down suggestions for my work trip in January – I will have some time to go around and be a tourist, and your videos are so very helpful, including the transport and all! I am a very calm person and might travel alone, so nice quiet traditional places are my favourite 💖💖💖

  8. So much wasabi! The on,y experience I’ve had of wasabi was very hot! Are there varieties that are cooler?

  9. Wow what a beautiful ryokan. The scenery was gorgeous and eating at a kotastsu by the river looked so magical. I hope one day I get to stay there!

  10. Absolutely beautiful very stunning that looks like a have to stay at that hot spring it looks very calming beautiful

  11. I loved this. The autumn foliage was beautiful.
    On another note, as a Westener, these videos help me to orientate to things within the Japanese hotel and hospitality setting. I know it's unavoidable to make cultural mistakes when in a new setting, but I really don't want to offend anyone on my next visit! Especially since everything is finally opening up again. I want tourism to be enjoyable not just for the tourists but for the hosts. These videos are a pleasurable preparation.

  12. Oohh… so wonderful and sits down and eat breakfast and look over the river….🥰

  13. This place looks great! Out of curiosity, I know Izu is large but is this at all close to Izu Shaboten Zoo? I want to visit the capybaras there someday 😆

  14. Вас давно не було, і ось ви- з таким фільмом! Це було неймовірно! Прекрасний номер, чудовий готель. Але кам'яні ванни посеред бамбукового лісу- де таке знайдеш, крім прекрасної Японії? Я просто заворожена вашим фільмом. І на останок- сніданок за столом з котацу під шум річки! Дякую вам! 💕💕💕😍😍😍

  15. 私は沼津市の出身です。私は泊まったことはないのですが、父が仕事関係で、よくこの旅館に泊まっていたのを覚えています。父もすでに亡くなっていますし、随分昔のことです。今はアメリカに住んでいるのですが、日本の温泉にぜひまた行きたいと思います。配信どうもありがとうございました。

  16. я видела этот рёкан в аниме!!! Прям точь в точь был!!!!

  17. Thank you so much for such an amazing video! It is my dream since childhood to visit Japan and stay in a ryokan one day! Your elaborate video helped me plan so easily. Wishing you all the very best!

  18. Getting over a flu that has been making my body ache something fierce, I could go for place with a giant hot tub.

  19. Your videos are always so interesting and relaxing. Please do more videos about Onsen. They are beautiful.

  20. This was absolutely beautiful and incredibly relaxing just to watch 💖 Incredible scenery and beautiful hot springs and the river. Loved learning about the heated winter table too! Brilliant! 😊

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