I rode a bus with private rooms from Kinosaki, Hyogo to Osaka.
What a surprise! You can ride in this special room for the regular fare plus ¥1,000 ($7.5).
The room is lockable and special goods are available for rent.

Prices are at time of shooting.

Camera – https://amzn.to/3Rx7hFO
Stabirizer – https://amzn.to/3KI7CTR
Microphone – https://amzn.to/3ABjNgo

🚌 : Zentan Bus
URL : https://www.zentanbus.co.jp/highway_express_bus/greenroom/


  1. I would love to visit japan. But afraid to travel alone, one day I hope to also have a japanese friend to take me to all these beautiful places

  2. Well, that's interesting. I knew Onsen referred to the hot springs but I didn't know and haven't heard a thing about the eggs. So this one place cooks eggs in the hot water. I learned something new! Cool!

  3. Visited Tokyo and Osaka a few years ago (before covid) …. Love the country. Everything is always clean and the people are so polite and courteous overall. Just a civilized culture. Unlike where I live 🇺🇸😏

  4. That was incredible; I had no idea those rooms were available on a bus. I shouldn't be surprised though because Japan does everything so much better than any other country in my opinion. I'm hoping to visit next year or the year after. I cannot wait to see the countryside and see traditional Japanese homes. Such incredible scenery; I'm in awe.
    I plan on briefly visiting the large cities and popular tourist attractions, but my Son and I want to visit the paths less travelled. I'll come with my appetite and camera for a once in my lifetime experience. I'm not getting any younger and this has been a dream of mine for over 40 years. 🥰

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