We just finished a 7 night Alaskan Cruise on the Disney Wonder in Sept 2022, and we had to share our at sea day with you, so check out this Disney Cruise vlog! We hide cruise ducks for the first time, play some trivia and bingo, and we dine in Animators Palette! Disney Cruise Line is so much fun, from Cabanas, to the shows, the merch, and of course Disney trivia. We are sharing our whole Disney cruise with you! Thank you for watching and supporting us as Disney vloggers on YouTube! Please if you like what we do subscribe, like, and share our videos. Most of all though, for the love of the mouse, never forget. That It all started with a mouse!!!

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  1. Enjoying this very much, as we are scheduled to cruise next year on this same itinerary. Quick question. Did the Alaska-specific merchandise sell out after that first day?

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