A day in the life of a Japanese waitress in Tokyo working at a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant. This is a typical work day for a waitress in the Japanese food industry and the typical working hours in Japan. This is a look inside of Japanese work culture in Japanese restaurants. Working in Japan is quite unique and depending on the industry may be a bit different from job to job, but many of the jobs also share similar characteristics. The video follows Yuki in her typical japan work day from morning until the evening and everything that happens in between at work. She arrives at the teppanyaki restaurant when it opens and leaves when it closes, very typical for Japanese restaurants. Yuki is a waitress at Pandora, a Teppanyaki restaurant, Japanese style flat grill, which has been a local favorite since 1972 serving Kobe beef steaks and teppanyaki course meals. During her time working as a full-time waitress, she learned the importance of reading and anticipating the customers needs and acting beforehand. It’s a strong part of a Japanese omotenashi culture, a deep and honest form of hospitality, treating customers with respect without asking for anything in return. So for her, even a smile from her customers brings her true joy. One of the main reasons why in Japan tips at the end of the meal are very uncustomary. This among other things shared in this video is what makes working in Japan as a waitress very unique experience.

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Pandora Restaurant
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I’m from TOKYO JAPAN, I’ve been living here for a long time. I’ll be your Tokyo Travel Guide, taking you to the spots I love as well as showing you what to do all around Japan and maybe sometimes overseas. I’m also into Tech so you’ll see a few videos about my drone and other cool toys I discover. In short, the channel is all about what I Love, Japan, Food, Travel, Tech and most likely coming FROM-TOKYO, my home.

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  1. Wow I'm drooling 🤤. Every food looks super delicious.
    Really love the lady tho. Such a hardworking women

  2. I know the feeling of standing 7 hrs a day makes u not wanna walk for the rest of the day and sometimes walk weird due to the pain lol

  3. Your "day in the life of" series is my favorite on your channel. Suggest for future programs eki bento shop worker, taxi/chauffeur car driver and guide for city tour. Thanks!

  4. These behind the counter videos are sure to make everyone’s day. Japan has notoriously long working hours, and it’s quite admirable to see people who are always willing to do what it takes to go beyond and overcome challenges along their way.

  5. Hello, Humans
    When your mind is strong, nothing can hurt you or stop you. Everything that humans care about, doesn't matter to you, as you only care about what you want. Stay strong, stay focused, because the weak will try to distract you.


  6. She is so impressive. calling her as just a waitress is a total understatement – she does the duties of every role from dishwasher to GM. Edit: I’m in the USA and the roles are usually segmented unless you’re a manager role or owner/family

  7. That was a great episode! Also, in my opinion that's a really long workday wow.

  8. All these people showcased by Paolo are so incredibly inspiring. Yuki and everyone in Japan have incredible work ethic. Many of us including myself can and do learn a lot by how they lead through example. Great models all around!! Thank you, Paolo for another great video and all the best toYuki and the rest of the staff there.

  9. Love this video series. Yuki works some long hours, but she always appears to give that great customer service.

  10. I absolutely love this series! I hope in the future you could cover any healthcare personnel specifically the medical lab scientists in Japan (since I am also in that field where I am from hehe) ❤

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  12. so she works like this 6 days a week? all that effort just to make some japanese guy even richer. Honestly it makes no sense why they do this, even some other paolo episodes had people working 9-5 normal hours, why put yourself through this.

  13. Japanese "Waitress". Also an inventory staff, customer's relations officer, social media manager, cashier, utility staff, janitress, bookkeeper, the one who buys produce, dishwasher, admin, and an otaku to finish it all. She's basically me but as an automotive technician, check lister, pre-delivery inspector, partsman, tool keeper, test driver, diagnosing staff, IT, accounting assistant, service advisor, and resident weeboo.

  14. Over here we use bamboo toothbrush to reduce our plastic consumption and over there in Japan she is using disposable toothbrush packaged individually.. with all the over plastic packaging in everything groceries store and etc. Japan is so behind once again. It's actually kinda sad

  15. So she woke up at 8pm. Not sure when she arrived at the restaurant but she didn't get home until after 11pm. That's a long shift.

  16. I love this kind of videos but I think you should also show the lives of people who are not in the nicest work conditions. This could be really interesting!

  17. This girl is very impressive, but she is totally overworked! 12hr day and barely any time to relax afterwards, do they not have regulations around the length of shifts??

  18. Great job being a dirtbag degrading this person. How much money do you give to the people who you exploit?

  19. I really love the Day in the Life series. I lived in Japan before moving to a law enforcement career and watching Paolo's videos reminds me of all that I miss about life in Japan. I'm due to retire in January and may reward myself with a visit to Japan. Paolo have you attempted to do a day in the life of a police officer?

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