Kallio is a district in the eastern downtown area in Helsinki, Finland. It is Finland’s most dense residential zone with one of the highest concentrations of small apartments in the city. Around 90 percent of the apartments are studios or two-room apartments.

The area used to be known as a working class neighbourhood. It has more recently turned into a district for students, young adults, and artists. The population of Kallio is around 29,000.

Read More: https://www.myhelsinki.fi/see-and-do/neighbourhoods/kallio-alppiharju-and-s%C3%B6rn%C3%A4inen/kallio

Route Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1Z-Q4lJFsJponYo-SWSB8CWqlC9SlNcT7&ll=60.184044216562455%2C24.954880422723853&z=17

✔ Details:
19 August 2022
Friday 3.00 PM
+26,6 °C

✔ Timestamps:
00:00 Fleminginkatu / Viides Linja crossroads
02:16 Fleminginkatu (street)
03:00 Karhupuisto (park)
04:25 Agricolankatu (street)
09:00 Itäinen Papinkatu (street)
10:34 Kallion kirkko (church)
11:35 Neljäs Linja (street)
12:40 Läntinen Papinkatu (street)
13:42 Kallion kirkko (church)
15:48 Agricolankatu (street)
16:52 Kaarlenkatu (street)
20:58 Helsinginkatu (street)
24:30 Fleminginkatu (street)
26:55 Franzeninkatu (street)
28:40 Aadolfinkatu (street)
31:01 Helsinginkatu (street)
34:55 Harjutori (park)
35:40 Harjutorinkatu (street)
37:15 Franzeninkatu (street)
38:00 Torkkelinkatu (street)
39:35 Pengerpuisto (park)
42:06 Pengerkatu (street)
46:26 Helsinginkatu (street)
48:30 Sörnäisten kurvi (area)
49:33 Hämeentie (street)
59:30 Alli Tryggin puisto (park)
1:01:30 Pengerkatu (street)
1:02:08 Viides linja (street)
1:04:00 Porthaninkatu (street)

✔ More from Helsinki:
– https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUoXX6YxBmBa8ADamW2yyNuD

✔ More from Finland:
– https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUrn80mOeFlp7WCa-RBsi_g0

✔ Playlists:
– Autumn Walks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUrRGKJDdQRnNgtd93_hjwOa
– Bicycling Tours in Helsinki: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUpq7D1Ij20iMWkLVaqaRq5E
– Nature Walks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUoSPwS3nllEs3X-YxaTiFR9
– Night Walks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUoYIm-f3ve7EtgE7cd5Fs–
– Rain Walks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUr4nzGWGGmj5rCSNQF_qe2x
– Snowfall Walks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUr_Hr4AX5VBnJHzSQ9u6BbW
– Walks with commentary (subtitled): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUpu4kcQKi3CfLgNYGekTj_c

✔ More from other countries:
– Estonia: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUp5HUT8f8OTWPsKIURU1_rd
– Norway: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIA3Nvn4qUoHoljJRpSJynck_zzCmaGC

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✔ Instagram:

#asitis #helsinki #kallio


  1. All of these streets are so incredibly wide and full of parked cars but hardly anyone is driving. Most people are walking, biking, or taking public transportation. Doesn't seem like the most efficient use of space.

  2. is this safe place for hipsters?! but finally the autumn has begun and maybe we see more videos with rain and autumn colors!

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