Travel to Fukuoka vicariously through my lens!
That way, I sweat buckets and struggle to breathe through soaked masks, in the insane humidity so you don’t have to. Also, A professional Dancer’s sexy strut and some Tokyo Station content containing content being created.

Please consider supporting if you’ve got some money to spare.
I definitely could use the help in these inflated times:

Momoe Pink:
Chapa Didgeridoo:

#fearofthedarc #7days7minutes #fukuoka


MIDNIGHT CVLT & Le Duke – Time Travel [NCS Release]

2050 – You Can’t Escape [Artlist]


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  1. 7 Days, 7 Minutes Hell yeah!
    Yeah f' that place, I gotta deal with the same BS where I'm at in the States. I'm gonna start getting busy on a plan to get the hell out of the current state I'm in, but I fucked up so now I gotta hustle to make it up! ):< D:<
    But at least the heat is almost over brother! Great seeing another episode, good luck mate, 'till next time take care!

  2. love the didgeridoo guy! fantastic sunset and my kinda nekos. that's why i waited until they dropped all those mask rules to go vegas, the only people i saw out of 1000s still wearing them where the few i knew from california. WOW momoe has over 1000 posts that's called working it! great people watching at the end!

  3. I 100% agree with the mask thing. I got to Tokyo just in time for it to get really hot and coming from a cold climate it's a killer. Without a mask, I'm nearly ok but with a mask, I melt but hey I can't be the foreigner without a mask now can I?

  4. Hi , like the didgeridoo guy at the start , really talented . For the mask i am not sure why they keep bothering you with that . The rest of the world is done with that . They can't really protect anyone nor block the v , so no real use …. That's what they say now . Have a nice day . Peace ; )

  5. Nice man! I'm bringing back these videos on my channel too. Luckily now I can have members sign up to the channel and I was wondering what's something extra that I can provide for them, these 7days7minute videos are perfect!

  6. Most of us are over Covid at this point. No masks no nothing. It’s only in a few places like San Francisco that you still have to wear the blue stat burqa.

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