A day in the life of a Japanese Natto Fermented Soybeans Maker in Tokyo Japan. This is what a typical day working in Japan a shop and Japanese kitchen is like for a Japanese worker in this field. Japanese work culture can not only be viewed in large Japanese companies, but also smaller Japanese business with a few staff. This Day in the Life features a Japanese natto shop called Amakusa Natto, a specialized natto store established in 2019 and how to make natto, fermented soybeans. They craft a premium high-quality natto all 100%….by hand. A relatively young company with, with only a few staff, producing some of the best handmade natto possible. Natto, aka fermented soybeans, is probably most known worldwide for its powerful smell, distinctive flavor, and gooey texture but the shop uniquely crafts their natto with less smell and gooeyness making it more palatable for customers while still maintaining its super food and extremely nutritious qualities. Regardless, 85% of the Japanese population have come to enjoy natto’s ultra unique taste and texture. Interestingly though, many may think that rice is the go-to breakfast carb choice for Japanese, but when questioned, 56% of Japanese today answered that they tend to choose bread over rice. Given the typical work day in Japan, it seems only natural for people who are in a morning rush to save time on preparing a bowl of rice. In fact, soybeans are one of the most important ingredients in Japanese cuisine, as 3.5 Million tons of soybeans are used every year and it can be found in the most common Japanese ingredients such as Tofu, soy sauce, miso, kinako powder and of course natto, included everyday in Japanese meals anytime of the day.
Amakusa Natto – https://www.amakusanattou.com/
Google Maps – https://goo.gl/maps/rTPcWjAxT3B9C8kA7
IG – https://www.instagram.com/amakusanatto/?hl=ja
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his mom is so beautiful
Watching the video from Brazil, I absolutely LOVE natto and I love that youtube heard me sobbing while eating natto and suggested me this video lol thank you for presenting the whole process and variety of natto beans for us!
thank u. i enjoy this so much :3
Inget kata Bang Rhoma Irama.. Jangan Mabok²an dan Jangan Begadang.
AT 0:28, I LOVE His Kitchen Cabinets.
i want to taste and eat those nato 😍😍 .. i wish there was nato here in our country .
hahaahahah 1:14. Mom is asking, Do you want tea? He replies, uhm eugu uhm = yes 😀
Bruuh this Kazu guy is straight out of some SoL anime, lives with his parents, works at a chilled out place, everyone in his neighbourhood knows him and his family, has weird ass friends (by Japanese standards).
Oh dude! I LOVE this kind of videos! Keep it up 🙂
He skin is soooo fine damn Japanese people have the most beautiful skin ever
Legalize gay marriage in Japan!
he work alone
hey pablo, can you make a day in the life of someone that doesn't look like that person will jump off a building?
A day in life of Japanese rapper
Wow japan just always gives me that peaceful vibe, the streets and the cherry blossoms and everything!
Would love to visit there one day ☺
anyone can list his skin care or care products @ 50?
He need a father?
Bentuknya adalah piala asbak. Jadi yang merokok bakalan mikir ini piala atau asbak. Tapi kok bentuknya kayu. Melatih kecerdasan orang.
Kalau ada pencuri dibiarkan. Saja. Itu buatan dari kayu. Bukan perhiasan. Pasti cerita ke teman-temannya saya kecolongan perhiasan dari kayu.
Naik angkot supirnya preman. Bau lagi. Kacanya hitam. Sampai nggak bisa nafas. Aku harus mendekati pintu atau jendela.
Joknya bolong. Itu lebih mending. Itu bis asli. Lantainya korosif. Bisa ambles saya. Cepat banget jalannya. Bis asli lebih dekat. Bis alaska udah tua dari sumatra ke purwokerto nggak diservis. Itu supirnya sholat nggak. Ganti shift dimana. Jangan-jangan mereka lupa pulang.
Dimana-mana banyak askhabul kahfi. Termasuk mall. Salah orangnya sendiri belanja boros. Jadi setannya suka banget.
Wow.. tahu genetika lebih banyak. Memperbesar memperkecil menyerupai dengan cara ilmu yang lurus. Dibandingkan ibu itu makan ari-ari saya supaya anaknya kembar. Menjijikan. Makanya banyak setan yang mengrubuti dia. Dan semua anaknya membuat keonaran dimana-mana. Karena tidak mau bersyukur.
Udah diadzab tidak mau bertobat.
Makanya hidupnya tidak bahagia.
Masa depannya hancur. Semua perusahaan itu mempekerjakan orang yang sekolah bukan orang yang sebodoh fai dan marno.
I am not sure how good natuto be good for me when I am hungry i realized, sensations can be too much.