In the beautiful, rural town of Biei in Hokkaido, Shikisai-no-Oka is a perfect representation of the beautiful scenery here. From spring to autumn, you can enjoy colorful stripes of flowers that are drawn over the hills.

In winter, the flower garden turns to a world of silvery snow and there are many activities to be enjoyed. Please continue reading to learn about the different ways to enjoy this area throughout the year with respect to activities, food, and lodging.

Located in the hilly area at the foot of the Tokachidake mountain range in Daisetsuzan, Hokkaido, Biei Town attracts many people with its beautiful scenery of rolling, hilly fields.

In this breathtaking patchwork landscape, you can enjoy a vast flower field of about 150,000 square meters. A particularly beautiful spot is the Shikisai-no-Oka flower fields, when, from late April to late October, about 30 kinds of flowers are in full bloom.

Details website:


My Other videos on Hokkaido Tour:
1. Sapporo – Furano JR Hokkaido Pass:

2. Furano Lavender Field 4K Walking Video:

3. Furano Lavender Field:

4. Farm Tomita, Naka Furano, Furano, Hokkaido:

5. Shirogane Blue Pond:

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