“From life comes beauty.”
Congratulations on your 150th anniversary! It has given me much pleasure to be involved with SHISEIDO as a designer, and it is a true honor to be a part of the beauty and rich legacy of SHISEIDO design, which has continued for the past 150 years. The brand has has left a giant footprint in Japan’s history of design and will undoubtedly be a continued source of inspiration for me in the days to come.
From life comes beauty, Koji Iyama

150周年おめでとうございます! 日本のデザイン史に大きな足跡を残してきたSHISEIDOに関われたことは、デザイナーとしてこの上ない喜びを与えてくれました。 150年に渡り脈々と受け継がれてきたSHISEIDO DESIGNの美の歴史の一端を感じられたことを自分への確かな糧として今後に生かしていきたいと思います。 ​
居山 浩二​

#Shiseido150Anniversary #FromLifeComesBeauty #ShiseidoSkincare
