Sakura falls or Sakuradake ( 桜滝 ) is a dramatic and very easily accessible waterfall in Oita prefecture Japan.

The waterfall has been loved by writers and artists since the Edo period, and was introduced in the Bungo kokushi (Bungo is the old name of Oita Prefecture), believed to have been written in the 8th century. The waterfall has a height of around 15 meters. The waterfall gets its name for the water falling on a overhanging rock and creating a splash that looks like cherry blossoms fluttering. The waterfall is about 10 minutes by foot from Amagase Station on a well-maintained path, so enjoy yourself on a pleasant stroll.

Very important that you DON’T follow the google map pin as it will take you to the top of the falls and quite far away from the actual access point. Instead begin at the following map link and follow the instructions in the video.