for more videos visitThis content is from the food ranger under the creative common of YouTube channel… Special thanks to the channel-Also thanks to #Trevor James for giving the content as CC to his own Channel… a5BBQbeefbest japanese foodbest steakfoodFood Japanfood rangerfood ranger japanfood tokyogrillJapanjapan foodjapan street foodJapan TravelJapanesejapanese beefjapanese foodjapanese street foodjapanese wagyukobe beefKumamotoKumamoto destinationsKumamoto tourKumamoto travelKumamoto tripKumamoto vacationmeatoystersramenseafoodsteakstreet foodstreet food japantokyo foodTokyo Food Guidetokyo food tourtokyo restaurantstokyo street foodunagiwagyu beefwagyu steakyakuniku熊本