It has been a long while since I last flew, and I feel like I must post something flight ride related. Anyway, I have this idea of doing a comparison report for the longest time. It so happens I flew with All Nippon Airways (ANA) from Narita to Hong Kong twice right before the pandemic hit; and once each in Economy and Business. Hopefully this report would give you guys an idea of their products in both classes.

In all fairness, I think you can never go wrong with either class with ANA, and they provide some of the best, thoughtful services in the industry. For a regional flight, however, while I think flying business has its advantages, the sitting layout is just not as private as in their long haul version. Also, the monitor is placed in such a distance, making it quite hard to actually enjoy the entertainment they offer. I think the screen size and distance in economy is just right with adequate leg room.

**Correction** There are Type-G plug power outlets in economy class too, but they are located toward the leg area in the seat in front. They are sort of easy to miss.

00:00 Opening
00:21 Are there any check-in process differences?
00:42 Things to do or see after check-in?
01:34 ANA Lounge mini tour
03:46 What about at the gate?
04:59 Cabin differences part 1
06:16 Service differences
06:38 Menu differences
07:18 IFE differences
07:37 Cabin differences part 2
07:53 Say hello to Taiwan and Hong Kong

Music courtesy:
Goddess of War – Unicorn Heads
Away – Geographer
Gentle Breeze – Geographer
Arp Bounce – Geographer

#flyANA #全日空 #allnipponairways #flightreview