This is video (Part 2) of “Daikakuji Temple” located in the Saga, Arashiyama area of Japan.
It’s close enough to Kyoto and you can easily access it from Kyoto, so I include it in the Kyoto area. This Temple is quiet and serene. I’ve been here a couple of times, and of all of the places that I have been in Kyoto I have to say that I really enjoy this one. I think mostly because it’s just very peaceful. It’s right up against “Osawa no Ike” Pond, which I also highly recommend as the Pond and Garden have been designated a place of national scenic beauty.

As I stated in my “Osawa no Ike” Pond post, I don’t want to pretend to be an authority on this area, so if you would like more information on “Osawa no Ike” Pond, “The Imperial Palace Daikakuji”, “Emperor Saga and Kobo – daishi Kukai, Emperor Gouda and Nan-cho (The Southern Court) or about Shakyo and what it is. Please visit the Daikakuji official website (in English) at

Entry to the Pond and grounds around the Pond is free, as well as the outer area of “Daikakuji Temple”. However the admission fee for the inner area of “Daikakuji” is 500 Yen ($6.50).

Detailed information on how to get there from a few different stations is available on the Temple website at

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