During the war, the history of the noryoyuka came to a temporary halt due to blackouts, but1951It was revived in 2000. A few years later, the nouryou-yuka of restaurants and ryokans began to appear.40~50It became standard to enjoy Kyoto cuisine while being entertained by geisha and maiko. Gradually, the number of restaurants offering a variety of cuisines, such as French cuisine, creative cuisine, and cafes, increased, allowing you to choose from a variety of ways to enjoy your meal.


While changing with the times, the noryo-yuka has come to be an indispensable part of summer in Kyoto.


Until now, business hours are5Month1Sun ~9Month30Night Bed (Evening to Afternoon)1110:00) and Hiyoko (A.M.11After 12:00 p.m., the opening period was limited to each store), but due to the decrease in customer numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the further diversification of the business formats of each store,2022The rules were changed in the year.5Mon ~9AM throughout the month8Hours-afternoon11It is now possible to operate at 24/7.”Night Bed”Ya” noon bed,”Morning Bed”Shops where you can enjoy this have begun to appear.
