Fare boxes on Kyoto City buses, which support Kyoto’s transportation system, have been changed from a “currency exchange system” to a “change system” effective December 1, 2024 (Sunday). All 810 buses in the fleet are affected by the change, and both the uniform system and the coordinated system (numbered ticket cars) are supported. In the previous system, passengers had to count the amount of money they needed and put it into the fare box after exchange, and it took about 20 to 30 seconds to exchange and pay a 1,000 yen bill. The change system, on the other hand, automatically subtracts the required fare and gives change when a coin or 1,000-yen bill is inserted, which takes about 4 seconds. This system is expected to save a great deal of time and avoid congestion at the time of getting off the bus.
Due to overtourism problems, bus delays are a daily occurrence in some areas, but the locals would be happy to see a smoother bus service as a result of the fare box renewal.
