My FiRST vlog in Tokyo, Japan! Shibuya + MEGA Don Quijote!!

I’m BACK!!!! With my FiRST vlog in Tokyo, Japan! In this video I eat a tasty treat from 7-11, then make my way to Shibuya! There we say hi to Hachikō, walk through the Shibuya Scramble and make our way to MEGA Don Quijote for a tasty treat! Honestly, I’m ridiculously timid in this video, I hadn’t recorded a vlog in a lonnnggg time lol but whatever! Enjoy my return to TOKYOoOoOo!!!

Join me for the rest of 2025 in Asia, as I go on the adventure of a lifetime eating everything and anything tasty from street foods to hawker centres to night markets and beyond!!!

If you enjoyed the video, like it and subscribe to the channel! A legit way to contribute. Thanks!

Thank YOU for watching and thank you to Tokyo, for always being AWESOME!! Much thanks and much MUCH Love for my family, for my friends, for the past and for the future🤟

#Tokyo #Japan #Shibuya


  1. Welcome back!! Family and I watched you in Toronto and we love taking the cues on which places to eat at and the foods you recommend!!
    Woo Hoo!! Looking forward to more deliciousness you will be sending our way!!

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