Riding Japan’s Hello Kitty Bullet Train | Osaka – Hiroshima🚄

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🚄 : Hello Kitty Shinkansen
URL : https://www.jr-hellokittyshinkansen.jp/en/



  1. Hi Miss Kitty train ( <3 <3) from New Hampshire USA. Thank You for the Video. I love Your channel , Blessings always 🙏🙏 I love all the items and locations

  2. I've loved Hello Kitty for decades now since I was a teenager, this train is just beautiful! 😊😊

  3. That beefsteak Bento box looks so good. I can't wait to try it once I go from Tokyo to Kyoto during my trip. I wonder if they have bento boxes with unagi in it?

  4. Great video of the Hello Kitty Shinkansin train. The interior of the train is great. I have a Kato N scale N500 Nozomi Shinkansin 4 car train, I will at a futue time will buy the 8 car add on fo ft my Pacific West Coast N scale model railroad & have a high speed train on my model railroad

  5. The only terrorist is Trump that cause the J6 death of cops and is a felon sexual predator rapist. Bunker Boy want to say anyone that speaks out against him or Elon a terrorist. The truth is they are the terrorist terrorizing this nation. They lied about making food and eggs prices lower. And the economy that is tanking stronger. Bought your votes with a million dollar Lottery checks, and now you are all paying for it. And you all set back and let them get away with this on you. Because you're all cowards, too afraid to admit your wrong. And of Trump you should not be so of that is a coward. It is why we call him Bunker Boy, as he runs to it when he as gone too far.

  6. i love your matching watch band of pink. That bento box is awesome, It all both looked delicious and the theme box is so cool too :). <3 What fun the whole train is for fun and relaxation. I loves the views of the train <3 Thank You again.

  7. I loved the Shimane Hello Kitty <3 The train sure looks very cook from the front. I can not believe that the speed is over 200, wow, thats insane. I would be so afraid. I do see it is safe tho! 🙂

  8. How ironic, Trump and his MAGA have spent this whole time telling us EV are evil and not to buy them. Now he wants to save Elon's ass after Elon as taken so many jobs and hurt so many. You reap what you sow, Musk. Now you pay. And Trump takes you down with him. You were better off, fooling the left, that you were on their side. Now you can not and cry like a little baby because you hurt your self. What a fool Elon is. Used by Trump and Putin and now going down on the sinking MAGA ship.

  9. Thankyou for showing me parts of the world i would never have seen in my lifetime love your channel ❤️ from Australia

  10. My wife and I visit Japan, one of the cities I would like to visit is Hiroshima. Especially the science building that was destroyed in WW2 and the museum.

  11. I am so surprised this train is still going strong after so long. Still a huge fan base all over the world. Was on it in 2019 and was worried they might stop it before we arrived. I guess there was nothing to worry about. We still have the hello kitty bento tray. The train is so well done. We also went from Osaka to Hiroshima. These trains do have a unique shape too. It has aged well.

  12. Bro, next time take us to a Carp game, bonus points if you do the dance 😂💪

  13. I always find it amusing how loud the foreigners are compared to the locals, especially the Americans and Australians 😂

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