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Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Japan’s longest-running travel show, ‘Tohkueikitai : Hidden Gems of Japan’!
This program showcases the beautiful landscapes, rich culture, cuisine, and the daily lives of people in Japan.
It serves as a wonderful guide for your travels in Japan!
*Note: AI automatic translation feature is used.
Share this video with your friends who might be interested in Japanese culture and travel!
Want to hear the video in English? Check out our English dubbing playlist!!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdns2D_BN4kG3XbW3gS9Id6ESLAIxU93E
【毎週日曜 ひる11:00公開】※放送がある場合のみ
00:00 Opening!
01:16 倉敷民藝を支え受け継ぐ”民藝の学校”/”Mingei School” that supports and preserves Kurashiki Mingei.
06:09 初代所長が考案した”倉敷ノッティング”作りを体験/Experience making “Kurashiki knotting”, invented by the first director.
07:25 刀鍛冶の里!?”備前伝”発祥の地/The home of swordsmiths! The birthplace of “Bizen-den”
09:11 圧巻!美しき伝統の技/Impressive! Beautiful traditional techniques.
11:08 絶景!津山城から見渡す津山の街並み/Spectacular view! Tsuyama cityscape as seen from Tsuyama Castle.
12:04 城下町で発見!津山の食文化/Discover Tsuyama’s food culture in the castle town!
13:37 郷土愛溢れる人力車隊が津山をご案内!/A rickshaw team full of local pride will guide you around Tsuyama!
16:46 まるで大正時代にタイムトリップ!至極の一杯/It’s like a time trip to the Taisho era!The ultimate coffee.
17:39 肉の聖地!名物の”そずり肉”/Meat mecca! The famous “Sozuri meat”
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