Riding Japan’s Capsule Private Express Train from Osaka to Kyoto | AONIYOSHI
Today, we are trying AONIYOSHI Limited Express that travels from Osaka to Kyoto via Nara. Just relax and enjoy the unique train ride!
Next Video to Watch:
🔴Traveling in Japan’s Double-Decker Private Cruise Train RAKU Express
🔴Staying Overnight in Tokyo’s Private Sleep Pod in Shibuya | SmartPods
🔴Overnight at Japan’s $42 Old Ryokan Hotel that No One Knows | Hoshidekan
* I use Google Translate to translate English subtitles to multiple languages. So please know that there might be some errors or miswordings in those languages.
* Please understand that information on the video may not be 100% correct.
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#ASMR #Japantravel #Japan #Train #Capsulehotel #Luxurytrain #Cruisetrain #Kyoto #Nara #Osaka #travelgeek
Beautiful ❤
Fantastic ❤❤❤
Wow fantastic ❤❤❤
Me: I wonder when travelgeek will upload… *uploaded seven minutes ago* Me: 😍😍😍
Night express (sitting places)…
I'm From India Sir❤❤
Hello from the UK. I loved everything about this train. We have nothing like it here in the UK. If we did the vandals would trash it on it's first journey. There is very little respect here. Thank you for sharing this video and your hard work. Stay Safe. Stay Happy. 英国からこんにちは。この列車のすべてが気に入りました。英国にはこのような列車はありません。もしあったとしても、最初の走行で破壊者がそれを破壊してしまうでしょう。ここでは敬意がほとんどありません。このビデオを共有し、あなたの努力に感謝します。安全に、幸せに過ごしてください。
How about “Mizukaze express”? Looks very high class too
Oh man, I miss Osaka
Very nice. Thanks for the video.
Rock ❤ Paper ❤ Scissors ❤
@ 13:35, are those leaves edible, or do they just to protect the sushi? Also, good job on the video, Its like im riding along with you!😊
Liked the train, but one thought. I thought you weren't supposed to film geisha?
Love Kyoto any direction you arrive. I went from Tokyo to Kyoto shinkansen loved that city. 5000 orange gates temple remarkable sushi conveyor belt
I chose rock too! We tied :0
Great video!
Hello from Flin Flon! It certainly seems that your country and the people in it just know how to do things right.
@7:34 Soda probably is made from butterfly pea flower tea; it's a deep purple, but turns a purple/pink when citrus is added. Very aesthetically pleasing.
Empress gin is made with the butterfly pea flower and when mixed with citrus makes some really stunning looking cocktails.
Cheers from Indiana, USA
As always fantastic video 📸❤😊
Отлично 👍🎥🤗🚝🎬
I was wondering what soda2 was, but I realized you probably released the SHIFT key a little too early. 🙂
Дякую за поїздку в красивому і комфортабельному потягу. Дуже сподобалась склепінчата стеля. В Кіото хотілось би трохи затриматись ☺☺😍😍😍 🇺🇦
Great trip. Short hop on this train, especially in semi compartment definitely not enough, need some longer route to enjoy this semi compartment.
日本がどんな国か改めて見せてくれる素敵なビデオをありがとう。 またすぐに新しいビデオが見られるといいね。 ドイツからの挨拶
I wish we had some sightseeing trains. Amtrak is basically going from point A to point B. Not even nice in some cases. Yet in America we have some beautiful scenery and cant see it by train. Thanks for sharing.
Wow what a train. We inventeded the thing but you guys have made it an art. Hats off 😊
Such beautiful scenery!! ❤ And geisha!!
I guess that capsule means something different in Japan. Nice train though, more a spa than a train.
6:17 hey hey hey