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※ This video was filmed only in permitted places and camping grounds.
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[Camping Equipment]
🔹 Tent: Snow Peak – Rigel Pro Stove Plus SET
🔹 Table: Wood & Burn – Unicorn Table 250
🔹 Chair: The Earth – Folding Chair & Fleece Cover
🔹 Cooler: Bamkel – Soft Cooler 36 Can
🔹 Sleeping Pad: The Earth
🔹 Gloves: The Earth x Kaiman Korea


#campingvlog #camping #campinglife


  1. That's hauling and setting up a lot of stuff for one night. Miss camping with my friends, I would have put a camping slasher horror movie on too mess with them, lol. Remember these good times with friends it takes some of the sting out of getting old.

  2. 어휴 저 친구는 아무것도 안하고 맨란스럽게 강아지만 안고있네 다음부터 데리고 다니지마세요 😂😂

  3. anyone want to tell me where the trailer is that carried all that stuff. no way all that fit in one jeep

  4. Translate to English
    This type of video explains volumes about the human condition.

  5. 캬 아무생각없이 딱 눌렀는데 흰색지프가 똭! 미녀두명이 딱 와 대박 ㅋㅋ 지프가 진짜 예쁘다 이 채널 대박 ㅎ

  6. 와~~저 장비가 다 얼마냐…..
    엄청 고급지네…뭘찍는건지는 잘모르겠네..ㅋ

  7. 不錯的體驗!狗狗也很可愛的!但,要注意安全喲!😊😊😊❤❤❤

  8. Концовочка огонь, в целом очень скучное видео. На Урале круглый год титястые тётеньки с краснощёкими мужиками отдыхают на лютой природе и по хлеще.

  9. Hi, Kirin. nice to see you again. You are really amazing & brave. I really salute you, my Big Teacher!🙏😇👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

  10. It would be much more enjoyable to watch if a friend helped you. I'm annoyed by this attitude – one fucks up and the other looks at it.

  11. qué chica más guapa qué trabajadora y cómo ha montado toda la cosa da gusto estás de ahí con ella como lo prepara todo es maravillosa y qué guapa y qué fantástica como lo hace todo maravillosa te queremos luis España Toledo un besito con

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