Our INSANE Day In Osaka, Japan! 🇯🇵 Riding The Shinkansen, Feeding Deer In Nara, Dotonbori Food!

Today we head to Osaka Japan where we ride the Shinkansen for the first time ever and make MANY MISTAKES! We then make our way over to Nara where we feed the deer and then end our night exploring Dotonbori and trying some wild street food!


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#japan #osaka #japan2025


  1. One day I will go to Japan my husband said he does want to go someday. I've know a college friend that lives in Japan, moved shortly after graduation. Thanks for the videos

  2. Adrian. Come on. TRY to pronounce cities and objects properly. How can you not even say Pokémon right? It’s not PokEEmon. It’s pokAYmon. Nara is not NaIRa. It’s Nahra. Soften your vowels. Make an effort or you’re just going to be another example of why nobody likes American tourists.

  3. 6:00 Not a WIcked reference in a Japan vlog! But you didn't include "and a mustache"! I seriously am enjoying these vlogs and comparing your experience to Ordinary Adventures experiences. Did they give you any advice or tips? The deer in Nara will always be a bucket list place for me if I ever make it to Japan. What a cool experience to have.

  4. I can’t wait to visit Osaka and Nara. I was told Mount Fuji is only visible 110 days out of the year. I was blessed to see it when visiting last October and also from our Hilton Tokyo Bay hotel room when visiting the parks. It’s a beautiful thing to see but just being in Japan I’m sure you saw many beautiful sites. Thank you for sharing your visit with us. ❤❤

  5. The day we left Disney we not only got a later start than we needed to to get to Kyoto, but when we got to Maihama station it was peak rush hour so we were just waiting around for the train cars to not be squished in like sardines like you see on TV since we had carry-ons. Then we finally transferred to Tokyo station, where we were lost trying to exchange our Klook JR pass vouchers for the real thing (meant to do this on arrival day at Haneda but we had issues trying to get money out of the ATM, I was flustered, we just rushed off to our hotel.) by the time we got to our machiya (we booked an old place that had the private bath and tatami mats bc it was our anniversary) it was almost 4pm! We were in the Geisha district near Gion and lots of places closed early so we didn’t even get to go to a sit down place to eat by the time we got settled, so I was crying over having to eat 7 Eleven. 😂 It was such a hectic anniversary and we look back on it and laugh now over my convenience store dinner meltdown lol we definitely miss it now tho! I’d give anything for some egg salad.

  6. Thank you so much for showing the Nintendo Osaka merch; I need to go! I’m like you, I want the merch that is exclusive to the location.
    Also, that thing in the hotel room is a step-on foot massager. It’s so nice after a long theme park day.

  7. Lol in Nara, only way to stop the deer begging is to wave your hands in front of them like a magician. There's signs around the area that explain the body language the deers understand and what you should and shouldn't do. They're sweet, but I've seen them take out two toddlers and a ram into man's behind when i was there a couple months ago.

  8. @themeparkexpress

    I found your channel a month ago, I have binged on your videos, sometimes even on replay… like your long ones. I just watched your 5-hr video about 4 times in rotation the past couple days.

    For me, your content is calming. Your vibe is warming.

    My reality is that I am a freelance graphic designer and gigs have been slow. This past week the landlord gave everyone one month to move.

    So the past few days I have known that I will be homeless in 3 1/2 weeks from tonight.

    For some reason, I have put away all the other content or shows I watch and I just lay here watching your videos Adrian. I’m envious of your cruising life and I wished upon a dream that I could just work on a ship and call it a day.

    But that will never happen, I don’t have a passport. And in Canada, people like me are being pushed to the wayside to make room for immigrants. Even social services are hard to get for me.

    Anyways, I am super stressed and depressed and I contemplate my end. But in this, you help me not think about what’s next for me.

    I really love what you’re doing. If I had money I would sure subscribe to your Patreon. And that says something as I always refused to pay to subscribe to anyone’s content, but yours is so worthy.

    What a life you lead! You’re awesome brother.

    ~ Ezra

  9. “This makes eating and drinking a little complicated” meanwhile I can see the reflection of a Saizeriya sign in the window. I’m sure you just had no idea you were looking straight at my absolute favourite family restaurant in Japan but I had to laugh.

  10. adrian when you said stroopwafel it reminded me to ask you if y’all would ever want to go to Efteling in the Netherlands !! i would love to see you guys experience it !

  11. Omg I like animals and have visited Japan multiple times but never met the deer in Nara. Y’all really sold it I definitely need to do it.

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