Hey all,
I've been following this artist Noa (https://youtube.com/@noa_aburasoba?si=nMBFlNKU3OLLU_iL) since she had like triple digit followers, big fan of her vibe. A few years back one of her first songs to get some attention was called the 月のリング" or Tsuki no Ringu or Ring of the Moon, not sure if I got the characters right.. recently I think she signed with a label and scrubbed her old channel, posted a bunch of stuff and has gotten more popular (love that for her)
But, I really miss that old song and the MV too was very fun (kind of looked like a college passion project)
I was wondering if anyone else noticed this artist back then and saved the song, or knows where I can purchase or hear it? Thank you!
by RapprochementRecipes