Overcoming My Fear! My First Overnight Ferry Ride in Japan – Osaka to Kagoshima
I finally faced my fear of ferries and anything on water! Join me on my very first overnight ferry ride from Osaka to Kagoshima, and experience this incredible journey with me.
Watch our complete overnight ferry experience here!
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Your looking great shinichi keep it up love you guys ❤❤❤❤
2! 😉
"We are about to board…THE FERRY!"
The first couple cruises I took when I was much younger, I had seasickness patches I could put behind my ear. I only needed them for the first two. By the third cruise, I was acclimated and didn't need them anymore.
Good job, Sinichi! 😊
❤.. stay well!
from the comments on your main channel I learned that japanese ferrys have a huuuge fanbase, I did not expected that, so it must be a joy for so many to see you doing this. I know it was hard for you the weeks and days before because of your fears and worries, I'm glad you forced yourself to battle your fears and managed it. you proved yourself you are stronger that your fears, sometimes we get overwhelmed but then we are able to get it through again. to know you did it that well is a huge win for life. thank you for taking us with you.
Thank you for this video! Loved seeing another point of view of your first Ferry ride 🙂
I also get seasick….am a little worried about the ferry to Miyajima in march
Hi boys!! Brother! I’m sooooo happy that you did well on this ferry. I was so worried! I cannot wait to see the video over on TabiEats’.
I watch another channel about traveling on Japan’s ferries. He doesn’t speak but does very thorough and interesting vlogs. I really enjoyed yours! I suggest you take Bonine for seasickness if you do a ferry again. Looks like good chances for rough seas!
Huge respect for going out of your comfort zone!! ❤
Boat trips are my favourite form of travel, because it's so relaxing. Especially when the sea is calm. Glad you survived that first trip so well. I bet you'll be wanting more in the future. 🛳 🚢 🎉
Thank you and well done Shinichi, good to see Satoshi so excited for the trip. I've been on European overnight ferries and small local boats but I've always wanted to try some of the Japanese ferries they look really interesting and fun.
It looks much more modern than the one I took from Naha to Kagoshima two weeks ago. The restaurants only opened for about 30-40 minutes every meal time, so it felt a bit of a rush. Everyone in the restaurant ate so fast! But the view of two volcanoes was nice. It's a good option for a rest/easy day during a vacation. Dramamine helped.
I'm so glad you were able to actually ENJOY the experience, Shinichi! Overcoming seasickness is a great feat (I am very prone to seasickness, too, so I totally understand your anxieties). You have inspired me to try an overnight ferry or short cruise someday. Thank you!
im glad u enjoyed your ferry ride its a beautiful ship saw the video on tabi eats
Love the video! Your thumbnail is the mirror image of Gigachad—fitting, because you’re radiating pure Gigachad energy!
Suggestion video – How you cope with Employment & Mental Health Issues? Keep Working, only some work that that you can cope with(dont know all your sources of income of course but not just the one presumably) have to take Sick Leave? Sick Leave in Japan? What is the Japanese attitude to Mental Issues & Work? Stigma? Health Insurance etc. You are not a Salaryman but judging by your travels your income is pretty good or are they sponsored trips? And yes Ferrys R Fun.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I am so happy for your accomplishment, If we are honest with ouselves we all have fears and it feels good to tackle them head on. Mel and I was looking into taking the ferry from Fukuoka to Busan but they have discontinued the fast ferry so we might have to do an overnight one. Hope you guys enjoyed Kagoshima. Take care my friend!
Good to see you guys enjoyed the ship ride to Kagoshima! I Have been thinking of going to Ogasawara island. That is a 24 hour overnight boat ride from Tokyo. I'm not a big fan of ships, but there are no airline flights going out there. Have a great trip!
When the seas are smooth, I love cruising. When the seas are rough, cruising hates me. I have had it both ways, but its still an enjoyable way to travel. Congrats for facing your fear!
Hello Shinichi. I'm so happy dat you enjoyed the ferry. 👍
HELLO 🤗 U did AMAZING; I did watch UR other video! U INSPO me UR doing things UR scare of but U did it!!! THANK U ALWAYS 4 SHARING UR DAY ❤❤❤
I used to have a big fear of boats too. Great job, Shinichi
I did the over night from Shinmoji to Osaka myself last year. I stayed up to 2 am to watch the ferrie go under one of the major bridges.
Im so glad you got to experience that overnight ferry. you are not the only one with that kind of fears for things like that and as a viewer im proud you did try this and step into a new experience and enjoyed it. you got my respect. you are a fighter . love from Denmark
Well done Shinichi ! Proud of you !
🫂 o/ I knew you could do it. 🎉 And I totally understand "irrational" anxiety. I will get on a boat, no problem. But get IN the water? Ocean or lake where something might bite, sting or grab me? No. Nope. I am very hesitant. 😅
I am also afraid to ride on a ship for fear of sea sickness. You are very brave to take your first voyage. I am so happy that it turned out to be an enjoyable experience for you. I understand your nervousness. I am 62 years old, and I still haven't been on an overnight boat ride yet. LOL
What a wonderful win, Shinichi! And, of course, one win leads to another, and freedom to travel on water to places you couldn't reach by plane or car. I love that for you and Satoshi! I get seasick like you. I find that Dramamine really helps–especially the "natural" one based on ginger. Here's to future nautical adventures! 🎉
Way to go, Shinichi! I'm so proud of you conquering your fear of ships! Personally, my fear is flying–I've never flown in my life. I'm glad you have Satoshi by your side. He's clearly a good influence on you. (Clearly, I need a Satoshi of my own!). As always, great video. Thanks from Canada!!