Tokyo Station: Neo-Baroque Elegance in a Modern Cityscape

by pix4japan

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  1. pix4japan

    After visiting the Imperial Palace, I walked a few blocks east and arrived at a grand view of Tokyo Station and the spacious Marunouchi Square in front of it.

    Opened in 1914, Tokyo Station has preserved its elegant Neo-Baroque architecture, standing in striking contrast to the modern steel-and-glass skyscrapers of the Marunouchi business district.

    Someday, I’d love to return with my other camera and telephoto lens to capture the intricate details of the gabled dormer windows, arches above the windows and doorways, and the delicate embellishments above the arches.

    Location: Tokyo Station, Tokyo

    Timestamp: 2025/01/02・11:35

    Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter

    ISO 320 for 1/500 sec. at ƒ/7.1

    Provia/Standard film simulation

    Location: Kitte Rooftop Garden, JP Tower, Tokyo

    Timestamp: 2025/01/02・13:35

    Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter

    ISO 320 for 1/800 sec. at ƒ/7.1

    Classic Negative film simulation

    Google Maps: Tokyo Station (東京駅)


    Google Maps: Kitte Rooftop Garden (KITTEガーデン)


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