TEAM SHACHI to disband at the end of 2025 after nearly 14 years of activity (final concerts scheduled for September 21st in Tokyo and December in Nagoya)

by PositiveExcitingSoul

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  1. PositiveExcitingSoul

    TEAM SHACHI, who originally debuted as a 6-member group called “Team Syachihoko” on April 7th 2012, and renamed themselves to “TEAM SHACHI” on October 23rd 2018 after two of the members graduated, announced today that they will disband at the end of 2025.

    They will hold two final concerts. The first will be held on September 21st at Tachikawa Stage Garden in Tachikawa City, Tokyo. The second one will be held at a yet-to-be-announced date in December in Nagoya (the group’s hometown).

    Translation of comments by the members:

    **Akimoto Honoka:**

    We, TEAM SHACHI, will disband in 2025.
    We began our activities in middle school 13 years ago, and I never thought we’d be able to continue for this long.
    I couldn’t do anything, and the staff patiently waited for me to grow.
    The members told me to be the center without worrying about what others thought.
    The fans accepted me as part of TEAM SHACHI.
    In addition to my family and friends, I have been blessed to have irreplaceable people in my life like the members, my team, and our fans.
    We were able to continue going for 13 years as Team Syachihoko and TEAM SHACHI thanks to all of you. Thank you so much.
    I think there are many different emotions when it comes to “disbanding.”
    When I think about the feelings of everyone who supports us, I feel painful and apologetic.
    Personally, when it comes to this decision, of course, I feel very conflicted about it. We spent a long time having many discussions about it and thought about it so much that it can’t be summed up in just one word.
    Some dreams have come true, and others have not.
    All I can say is that the past 13 years, during which we were able to continue moving towards our goal together, are a treasure I am proud of.
    From here on, we will deliver a TEAM SHACHI-like final chapter!
    We will deliver our super tough, strong energy, positive and exciting soul from our hometown of Nagoya until the very end!
    So that you will be excited.
    So that you will laugh and say that it’s a SHACHI-like ending.
    I love you all and I want to cherish every last moment of the time I can spend with all of you.
    Finally, I would like to thank our chief manager and everyone at the agency who worked so hard to create the time and place for us to deliver this final chapter.
    There’s 10 months left!
    There are still many different things to see, and you never know what’s going to happen until the very end!
    I want to express my gratitude to every single person who has supported us.
    I hope you continue to enjoy our activities.
    Wherever you are, I would be happy if my words and feelings could reach you.

    **Sakura Nao:**

    To our fans, who always support us, and to anyone involved:
    TEAM SHACHI have entered their final chapter.
    I’ve revised this many times, but these are my honest words, so please accept them.
    Looking back on our activities so far, we have had many big milestones as a group.
    We made the decision to continue moving forward despite everything that happened. On the other hand, I feel regret that we left behind a dream we could not realize.
    Because we could not give up on that dream, we were united with the determination to continue no matter what the situation.
    I am truly grateful to the agency, staff, and all the people involved who allowed us to continue fighting until the very end.
    And of course, not only was the group allowed to continue thus far, but I myself was able to continue doing this thanks to the continued support from my family, friends, agency, staff, everyone involved, and above all, our fans.
    Countless people have supported us.
    Thank you so, so much.
    I have always been a competitive and proud person since I was little, so I only want to fight battles I know I can definitely win.
    I’m someone who wants to show everyone only the things that are going well. On that point, I often struggled within myself.
    I am so grateful to all of you who stuck with me through all of that.
    I have always felt so much love from all our fans.
    Let me continue to convey this gratitude going forward.
    Since Team Syachihoko’s street debut in 2012, I have dedicated half of my life to SHACHI.
    Once again, I am glad to have met my group members.
    No matter what happened, I felt important and irreplaceable when I was with you, so thank you for allowing me to fight and grow together with you.
    I feel blessed.
    This is sad news, but going forward, when we stand in front of you all, we will continue to be our usual selves.
    With 10 more months left, that makes 13 years and 8 months.
    Even if it is just a little bit, if SHACHI remains a shining memory in your lives, it will be the greatest reward of my life as an idol.
    I hope that at the end of 2025, we can all say with smiles on our faces that we feel exhausted from all the fun we’ve had.
    And please send us more love than you’ve ever had before.
    There’s not much time left, so let’s do what we want to do!
    This is what I’m most proud of in my life.
    Until the very last day, please continue supporting TEAM SHACHI.

    **Oguro Yuzuki**

    To everyone who supports TEAM SHACHI
    TEAM SHACHI have entered their final chapter.
    I apologize for surprising you with this sudden announcement.
    When I debuted, I had no idea what I was doing, and I just ran headlong with the feeling that “I love idols”.
    Then while receiving a lot of support and love from our fans, being an idol became my hopes and dreams, and before I knew it, I had dedicated half of my life to TEAM SHACHI.
    When I was sad or frustrated, I was encouraged by everyone’s words, and when I was happy or having fun, I was the first to tell you all about it, of course, I want to continue being the first to tell you.
    I was able to keep pushing forward for 13 years and get to where I am today thanks to the members that I trust and everyone I love.
    Meeting the fans and the irreplaceable days we spent together are a treasure I will cherish for life.
    There are only 10 months left until our final chapter ends.
    10 months will feel so quick and I feel sad.
    I’m sure everyone feels the same way…
    But in the end, I want, together with everyone, to fill this final chapter with joy.
    I want to create the greatest legend in TEAM SHACHI’s history!
    Yes, we’ll definitely create it.
    No matter what anyone says, “TEAM SHACHI is the best team in the world”
    Thank you everyone so much.
    I’ll always love you.

    **Sakamoto Haruna**

    I’ve wondered if the day would come when my activities in TEAM SHACHI would come to an end….
    Just the thought of it makes me sad and lonely, and I once cried alone on my way home after a lesson thinking about it.
    That’s how important TEAM SHACHI is to me, and that’s how much I love it.
    When I thought about SHACHI’s future, I wondered what our fans would like.
    Can we continue even if we change? Is that what everyone wants?
    What do I personally want to do?
    I thought about a lot of things.
    Even after changing our name, the four of us have experienced a lot together, and I thought that moving towards our goals would be a way to give back to everyone who supports SHACHI now.
    I love SHACHI for continuing to take on new challenges.
    I still had the dream of showing everyone a SHACHI performance at a sold-out Budokan again.
    I’m really sorry that I couldn’t make that happen.
    To be honest, I wanted to keep performing as part of TEAM SHACHI forever.
    I have a lot of mixed emotions, like frustration and sadness, but I’m so happy that I’ve been able to get this far and meet Honoka-chan, Nao, Yuzuki, the staff, the many people who support me, the local people who cheer me on, and our fans who I love. I’m so happy that I was able to spend about half of my life as part of TEAM SHACHI, and everything is a treasure I’ll never forget.
    I truly feel from the bottom of my heart that I’m glad I was able to live this life.
    I believe that an idol is not just someone who sings and dances, but also someone who can bring happiness and smiles to those around her.
    I want to continue living my life as someone’s idol from here on out.
    I’m able to think that way because of all the people I’ve met through my activities as an idol.
    Thank you so much for raising me to this point in my life, even though I started as a normal middle school student.
    In this final chapter, I want to convey my feelings of “thank you” to everyone who has been supporting me until now.
    And in my own way! Innocent! With all my might, I’ll dance! As the youngest SHACHI member, I’ll continue to have a lot of fun!
    I’d be happy if you could walk together with me until the very end.
    To my precious fans,
    I think it will take time for you to accept this.
    I think what makes this so fleeting and lovable is precisely because there is an end to everything.
    Being able to do the activities I love every day, meeting everyone, and spending time with everyone is what makes me happy and I don’t want to take it for granted.
    I want to cherish every single moment from now on.
    Thank you for meeting me.
    Thank you for fighting alongside me.
    I’d be happy if you could take your time and accept this at your own pace.
    I love you all.

    **Former member Hiyori Yuzu:**

    The disbandment of my beloved idol group has been announced.
    And since the news was announced with the usual SHACHI-like slightly happy vibe, I found myself laughing and crying at the same time.
    The reason I’m able to do my activities today is because of Team Syachihoko and the 5, then 4 members who have continued protecting me even after the group changed.
    Since I’m a SHACHI fan myself, I’ll continue supporting them until the very last second!

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