Enjoyed mid-winter take photograph in Nagano Prefecture !

The weather forecast said heavy snowfall due to a cold wave, so I went with my friends to take photos of Nagano Prefecture in the height of midwinter.
The temperature on the Kirigamine Plateau(霧ヶ峰) was not as cold as expected, and there was no fog ice in the larch forests, making it difficult to capture the morning glow on photo film.
We also went to Togakushi Shrine to photograph the famous cedar trees along the approach to Rear Shrine(奥社). As it is winter, the picture is not flashy, but I think even the stillness has been captured in the photograph.
To warm up our cold bodies we went to our usual hot springs at Maguse(馬曲温泉). As photography is not allowed in the baths, the image of the open-air baths is a public domain image from Wikipedia.
Each of the shooting locations was cold, but I enjoyed the snowy landscape.

Chapter List:
00:00 Kirigamine Plateau (霧ヶ峰)
03:32 Togakushi Shrine, approach to Rear Shrine (戸隠神社奥社参道)
08:23 Maguse Onsen (馬曲温泉)

#Photo #4by5 #Sheet_film #Large_format_photography

Equipment Used:
Schneider-Kreuznach. Apo Symmar 210mm F5.6
Rodenstock. Apo Sironar N 150mm F5.6
Fujifilm PROVIA 100F (4by5)
Linhof Master Technica 2000

Vlogging equipment:
Vario-Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4
Sony α7 iv
GoPro HERO 12 Black

incidental music:
Ghosts, Tender Wind, Moments, by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™
Timestamp: 0:02, 03:34, 08:48
Link: https://ikson.com/tell-your-story


  1. 霧ヶ峰の朝はマイナス16度とはスゲー寒い🥶でしょうね、手の冷えの対策が必要ですね、富士山の後方オレンジ色の朝焼けが綺麗だ
    4×5撮影の様子を見て誰か4x 5ファンになってフィルムをたくさん買ってくれればフィルム価格も元通りの価格に!戻ってほしい

  2. 朝焼けのオレンジ色が美しい!

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