I know this is an old campaign ad produced by Seibu railway, but I'm curious if there is anyplace, either online or in Japan, where I can purchase a print.
by ExtraArcher3333
Just print out this photo?? /s
Maybe you can check Seibu’s webpage, or email them
As far as I know, they’ve never offered them for sale. Copyright and licensing laws are very strict in Japan, so Seibu might even be in a situation where they aren’t able to sell the posters even if they wanted to.
Just print out this photo?? /s
Maybe you can check Seibu’s webpage, or email them
Here’s [the official site](https://www.seiburailway.jp/safety/cooperationrequest/mannerposter/) for the series. I don’t see any PDFs available, so I think you may be out of luck. They don’t even have the portrait orientation shown on the site.
Edit: Not that exact one, but it appears some [prints are still available from the Victoria and Albert Museum, London](https://www.vam.ac.uk/shop/prints/portraits-and-people/please-do-not-use-smartphones-while-walking—a2-poster-167234.html) from the exhibition 7 years ago. [That poster](https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O1446924/please-turn-down-your-volume-poster-yokoyama-yumiko/) was included in the exhibit, but I don’t see it in the store.
Seibu has a [downloadable version](https://www.seiburailway.jp/safety/cooperationrequest/mannerposter/) on their website, but not at a quality high enough to be worth printing.
As far as I know, they’ve never offered them for sale. Copyright and licensing laws are very strict in Japan, so Seibu might even be in a situation where they aren’t able to sell the posters even if they wanted to.