The most untouched abandoned HOUSE I’ve found in the Netherlands
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An untouched abandoned house in the Netherlands, rich in preserved family history… 🏚️🇳🇱
It’s almost unheard of.
For the past eight years, I’ve searched, exploring many forgotten corners of my country. And I’ve never seen anything like this.
A man of the sea once called this house home. 🌊⚓
Mr. Evert—a ship captain, a salesman, a collector of stories. His love for the water bled into every part of this house.
Steering wheels from ships still rest on walls. 🛞
Compasses still point to forgotten directions. 🧭
His world was the open sea, yet this house was his anchor.
But anchors don’t always hold forever. ⚓⏳
In 2010, Evert took his final voyage. 🚢💨
His wife, Geesien, had left three years before him, and without them, the house became nothing more than a ghost ship. 👻⛵
A forgotten vessel adrift in time.
Since then, their home has remained untouched, locked in a family dispute over its future.
No one has claimed it, no one has removed its treasures—only time has begun to dismantle what was once a warm and thriving household. ⏳🏚️
Even now, as I walk through these rooms, I feel it. The weight of memories, of a life once lived.
This is more than just an abandoned house.
This is the last dock of a captain who never set sail again. 🏴☠️
And today, we step aboard his final voyage. 🚶♂️🌊
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Abandoned Netherlands: The most untouched abandoned HOUSE I’ve found in the Netherlands
#urbex #abandoned #netherlands
00:00 Introduction
03:35 Explomo – Intro opener
03:45 Story time
06:45 Living room
23:32 Attic treasures
30:47 Historic artifacts
31:58 Dining room
37:14 Kitchen
39:06 Tradition
39:43 Bedroom
42:22 Magical corridor
42:42 Bathroom
43:06 Memories of the sea
44:55 Caught?
45:20 Escape
46:50 Outro
47:12 Next week on Explomo
Maureno singing???? 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thanks for awesome video that house was awesome house
Hola Explomo ❤
Otra gran exploración y esta vez en tu propio país Maureno, gracias por compartirla.
Primero decir que me encantó la introducción, muy poética y la canción muy acorde al relato, mi pregunta es, eres tú quién canta? Por favor no me dejes con la duda.
También me di cuenta que esta exploración es de hace algunos años y de verdad valió la pena, porque el lugar es fantástico, muchos objetos que observar en detalle, era como estar en una tienda vintage. La porcelana, los vasos, los adornos, el piano, las fotografías, los retratos de los antepasados, todos los objetos marítimos, increíbles. El dueño intentó rodearse de todos los objetos que eran importantes de su vida como marino y ese premio Yamaha, me hizo pensar que una vez retirado tal vez estuvo ligado al comercio de motores de embarcaciones de esa marca.
Lamentablemente tuvieron que salir del lugar, pero al menos pudimos ver lo más importante.
Muchas gracias nuevamente por el gran trabajo y espero que sigan publicando esos videos que tienes guardados como tesoros en tus archivos.
Saludos cariñosos para ti y Remon. Hasta la próxima aventura 🥰🤗👍🇨🇱
Couldn't believe how many rooms it had, I thought it was just the living room and upstairs. Sorry you got caught oops. It was a nice tour though
Hallo Maureno. This is marvelous explore of a seafaring man in Nederlands. Loved all the nautical items. Sorry I missed your livestream I was working. I just imagine them enjoying listening to music and chatting about the sea.
a wondwerful explorastion this was a cozy home.
Wow what a beautiful place! So sad it’s abandoned! Another wonderful video guy’s! 👍👍❤️✊🤘
Hi . Explomo .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂
Lambanın içerisinde yeni nesil ampul var….. İyi kurgulayamamışsınız.
I really enjoyed this video. This house is awesome. Thanks for sharing 👍 😊
Grafiknya di 𝘋𝘌WA𝐷𝘖𝘙𝘼 keren abis! Gameplaynya juga seru!
Senang bukan kepalang bisa dapat rezeki nomplok dari 𝘿𝘌WA𝘋𝘖𝑅𝐴!
Gokil! 𝐃𝙀𝐖А𝘿𝙊Я𝐀 emang gak pernah ngecewain! JP lagi nih, bro!
Wih, dapet banyak nih hari ini main di 𝐃𝘌𝑊А𝘋𝘖Я𝐀! Rezeki emang gak kemana!
Main di 𝐃E𝙒𝘈𝐷О𝐑А bikin hasil tak terduga, senang banget!
Detak jantung berpacu kencang menunggu JP di 𝘿E𝙒𝘼𝘋𝘖𝘙А, akhirnya pecah juga jackpotnya!
Jakpot besar datang terus tiap main di 𝐷𝐄𝐖𝘈D𝘖𝑅A, recommended banget!
Main sekali, langsung dapet jakpot besar. 𝐃𝘌𝘞𝐴𝘋𝑂ЯA bener-bener gacir!
Jika Anda menghargai peningkatan berkelanjutan, 𝐃𝙀𝐖A𝐃𝙊R𝐴 mungkin pilihan yang baik.
JP non-stop di 𝘋Е𝐖𝘼𝘋𝘖𝙍𝐀, lagi gacor banget nih!
Port means left side of the ship. It is navigating ligth for “port side” in red color
Het lijkt er op dat er gestruind is door de nabestaanden en plotseling gestopt
Привет ребята. Всё равно было увлекательно и удивительно.❤❤❤.
Such an interesting house. Too bad that family turn on each other when there's a death in the family.
Take care Maureno ☺️
To je krásný dům plný vzpomínek a života tech manželů plno starých věcí pěkný příběh kluci fakt díky byl to zážitek sem ráda že ste mladí zajímá vás to super průzkum 💞💞🌺🌹🏚️🏠👍💗
Jsem ze země bez moře a přesto vím, že volant na lodi je kormidlo 😂
Удивительные люди жили в этом доме!
What a precious home. It was filled with so many treasures in every room. Every video you do is so wonderful to watch. I feel bad you all had to leave so quickly so i pray you still have the video to keep always. Thank you for for sharing another amazing adventure.
Благодарю вас, ребята, за такое классное видео! Очень интересный дом и его бывшие обитатели! Грустно всегда становится после просмотра заброшек, что весь этот уют, красота потихоньку исчезают и потомкам нет дела до восстановления памяти всей жизни родителей. Очень мало духовного в людях, к сожалению, потому и слабеют родственные узы и память людская. 😥😢😭
Hi explomo a big shout out from Australia just a comment regarding the old vessel you assumed to be for the storage of port the (beverage) the item shown in your video was actually an old ship navigation lantern Named PORT (red) if I'm correct and should have been a (green) one for the opposite side of a ship these are the road rules of the sea and allow ships to pass each other correctly
Thank you for taking us with you.
Ich muss ein Lob aussprechen wie respektvoll sie mit den Sachen um gehen wenn sie durch das Haus gehen😊
New to the channel keep up the great work
Mr, Evert,, is. Al. Een. Eeuw. Dood,, waarom. Slopen. Ze. Dat. Huis, dan. Niet,, en. Zetten. Ze. Er. Een. Modern. Huis. Neer,, mogen. Jullie. Die. Dat. Filmen. Die. Spullen. Niet. Meenemen. Van. Mr. Everts..!!!!!😢😅😊