🚉Nearest station: JR matsudo
Categories: Sandwich
Dining bar/ Restaurant
💵Budget:1000 ¥JPY

🕵🏻‍♂️The Kebab father Scores

Sandwich: 1
Bread Qualitly: 1
💴Price: 670¥
⚖️Weight: N/A g
Google: https://maps.app.goo.gl/cXykPDSmaaLEQxGS7?g_st=ic

Just awful…

Seriously! This is probably the worst foods that has passed my colon tubes in decades. 670¥… id rather eat some onigari at the convenience store. Bread was old, soft and nothing like what subway Japan has presented on their “ poster advertising “. Bread looked like jt was sat in a sauna, i asked for the bread to be “ grilled”. It was soggy and damp. Eating paper a4 size had more flavor than the chicken. It resembled cat food, and only the chili sauce saved it to a certain degree. The 80% of lettuce looked liked Turkish kebab. For that price! Id rather get a rip off kebab in Tokyo. The main options were ok! Cheese didn’t add any texture, it felt like eating a slipper that melted in a nuclear power plant. Staff member looked like and served me like if she was an extra from a Residential evil movie. The inside was fairly clean, and staff seemed semi ok. But, this chain is stuck im a time loop. Ive had better sandwiches at cobini’s for half the price! If you want to spend 700¥ on a bad product! Then don’t even think of wasting money here! My 🌶️ cheese special looked like a train had run over it. I had subway in the uk and Guam! A lot better

Hello Kebab fans , here are my social accounts. For any collaborations, Shop sponsor or if people want to hang out for a beer and Kebab, please DM me or email.

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Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/donerkebabJapan/
Email: thekebabfather@gmail.com

by Ambitious-Macaron262

1 Comment

  1. yumeryuu

    I agree. Subway in Japan is a huge disappointment.

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