Philippines Vlog 40

I went to MoA with @aracavoe, here’s what happened…

#travel #philippines


  1. LRT/MRT gets easier once you know the way. It's confusing as a first-timer so don't blame yourselves lol. The Philippines rail system is not really tourist-friendly. There's a lot of scrapped rail projects in the Philippines. What needed to happen was to have a rail from Gateway to MOA. There's a lot of regulatory issues that prevented this with LRT-2

  2. I think someone is confessing on the second ride. I think I heard a guy yelling "Hoy crush kita!" which translates to "Hey I like you or Hey I have feelings for you."

  3. Your companion don't know anything. Always ask people. Everyone getting off from Taft knows how to go to MOA except your companion. Stop guessing, ask the guards, ask the vendors on the terminal.

  4. For Crab in the future, go to Dampa Seaside Market by Macapagal it's near MOA. You pick your crab or any seafood and they will cook it for you too

  5. You should try Orange Bucket near Moa, they pour a bucket of shells and crustaceans on your table and you have gloves and aprons

  6. Since you are living in Cubao you can go to the Farmer's Market choose your crabs (and other seafoods) and have it cooked in the restaurants upstairs. You can get that giant crab you really want.

  7. you should have taken bus carousel going to moa after alighting at MRT taft station and there is also a terminal of bus carousel in CUBAO in main ave. and nepa q. mart a longer walk vs MRT

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