Suggestions for a first weekend/project car? I live in europe, rwd is a must, so is manual. Is s2000 a good contender for my 1st weekend car? Are there good ones for 7-9K€ or are there better choices at this price point? Fixes like a head gasket etc. at this price are not a problem.

by Shy_mon


  1. P-sychotic

    I have no idea what the landscape is like for these cars in Europe, but in Australia even a ratty S2k will set you back easily around AUD40k 

    The more affordable version would be the Mazda MX5, and I think that’s where the price for the S2k skyrocketed, Honda never continued the line (unless you count the s660), whereas it’s a staple for Mazda. 

  2. stoned-autistic-dude

    How much money do you want to spend on maintenance? You’re buying a 20-year-old car so your basic maintenance will include stuff that isn’t so basic:

    * clutch/pressure plate and flywheel
    * rear main seal
    * clutch fork (should be bent if still on original engine mounts)
    * suspension
    * idler/tensioner pulley bearings
    * hoses which are dry (intake hose especially)
    * all suspension bushings, end links, and ball joints
    * sub frame bushings
    * engine, trans and diff mounts
    * catalytic converter (the catalyst log tends to split down the middle and clog)
    * any sensors which may be going

    The list is long and can get expensive, especially if you don’t do your own repairs. I love my S and daily it, but the era of these cars being turn key is over. You’re buying a car that’s halfway to being considered vintage. They qualify for historic plates in many U.S. states. That means a lot of your time will be spent maintaining the car so you can enjoy driving it. Low mileage doesn’t mean much beyond the owner didn’t actually maintain anything, just changed fluids.

    If you want an S2000 bc it’s your dream car, it’s a great choice bc you’re in it for the right reasons; you’ll be doing the maintenance anyway. If you just want a reliable RWD convertible, get an ND2 Miata and call it a day.

  3. Hot-Potential-993

    You can forget about a s2k for that money in Europe, unless it’s totaled or rusted to oblivion. Your best bets are: NB/NC MX5 and that pretty much concludes you choices for Japanese weekend warriors. Anything else is 10k+

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