I heard a beautiful song in a Japanese chocolate
commercial. It starts right at the beginning.

Here’s the ad link:

Does anyone know the song and the singer? I’d really appreciate it!

by Dense-Grape-4607


  1. Freak_Out_Bazaar

    Looks like the song is called “Memorial Loneliness” and is sung by Korean city pop artist that goes by Yukika.

    It doesn’t look like the song was ever released anywhere and it’s possible that what we hear is the entire song (more like a jingle)

  2. shinjikun10

    Also keep in mind that basically all Japanese commercials these days have the Artist name and song written in the commercial somewhere. Usually right at the beginning of the song playing. I don’t know if it’s some tv requirement in Japan, or something written into the artists and cms contract. It’s very normal to see it regardless.

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