Secrets from China’s $150 Billion Ghost City

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  1. the guy at the mall means you getting old should get married😂😂.. rest just sugar coating😊
    good video

  2. Dude Chinese people are so incredibly curious, polite and kind. Just goes to show how our government and media in the states tries desperately to poison our view of our Chinese brothers and sisters. I’m ashamed to admit I’ve fallen for the trap of believing the lies in the past

  3. I just realized you're in China right on time for the Chinese New Year! That explains all the red and yellow decorations.

  4. Hi Sir , I 've seen your videos in India too, so you should already have an idea about this two countries which have the similar population, I have to say they are completely different though some Indian people think China is similaer with them now ,but that is wrong , as for the past a few decades Tremendous changes have taken place in China while India is still stuck in a few decades ago.
    Another fact is , though India has a huge GDP but the Indian people & society seems have a so poor hygiene practices,even some south-east countries like Thailand, Indonesia ,vietnam is much clean & neat than India , who can tell the reason?

  5. So much use of the "F" and "b'tch" words. What is the purpose??? Another China-Bad video to report back/to confirm for his compatriots at home? Is his country so superior???

  6. veins full of sewage.. stupid. lions are aliens if youre a badger. you cannot catch me if i am faster. Despite what you might think, Ann Boleyn didnt play the violin. or did she>? not well. lay down while we measure you. baby. baby. baby. baby. baby. goose. ticket please. running out a space for your life. veins full of sewage …. stupid .lions. are. aliens. stupid.purple triangles. d-i, p-u, t-s. . copy. roger. mayday. over. samsang on his samsung. newport luck 2004. baby tears……. rip sand. cry. Babies. HUDDERSFIELD TILL I DIE?

  7. That Snoop Dogg playing in the background as that last little dude walked by had me in hysterics! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 So did the ice-cream truck!

  8. It’s the time of Chinese new year. So most people go back to hometown and after new year end people go back to city I think this is one reason this city looks so empty.😅

  9. imagine walking around any mid to large American city and trying to do this, you would be hounded by you know who's and you know what's every 20 seconds. asking for change and everything else they do

  10. it is Chinese new year, so people changed the signs on the plaza, they are not broken signs. They are just changed from dragon year to sneak year(this year)

  11. 其实我很期待你能够在中国环游半年左右,这样可以走遍很多地方,相信你会收获更多。

  12. Now I understand why US government wants to ban Tiktok. You guys better don't see what is the reality.

  13. Hahah makes me laugh when an American visits China and has zero clue. Ghost cities, pre built for when they elevate the other couple of hundred million out of extreme poverty. Western media has fallen in this trap before pushing the China bad ghost cities narrative. I dare anyone to walk around some sh*h8le of a city in the states, you’re far braver than me haha

  14. Your video is very interesting. You destroy some stereotypes about China, but you create other stereotypes about China lol

  15. It's like if you took the population of an average medium-sized American city, and put them in an empty Manhattan.

  16. your videos have intrigued me and I want to visit china….so if that was your intention it worked.

  17. I think if they built a city like this in the United States there'll be like hundreds of thousands of people zonked out on fentanyl and living in tents. It'd be completely unbearable

  18. China was very poor until recently (pretty sure they were poorer than many countries in Africa just 40-50 yrs ago) so a lot of the people haven’t really grown out of the bad habits required to survive in that era. Thats why I think young Chinese people are a lot more polite.

  19. If I’m wrong please correct me but I’ve heard in some Chinese culture being out in the sun means you’re a lower level worker causing you to have a darker skin tone meaning you’re of a less fortune and possible blood line. The lighter your skin the more wealth you’re/bloodline are to have. I could very well be wrong but this is just what I’ve heard. No I’ve never done any research on this subject. This is a crazy culture concept, that I do not believe in. I work inside, maybe that means I’m fortunate.

  20. I only feel sorry for the Chinese government. Even after doing so many things and planning so perfectly, the Western media still smears the Chinese government.

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