Tokyo to Kyoto? Millions Pass this Japanese City and Never Visit ★ ONLY in JAPAN

Millions of Tourists to Japan ride the Shinkansen between Tokyo and Kyoto passing one of the greatest hidden travel experiences, Nishio – not far from Shin-Anjo Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen.
Guest house owner Rise invited me to Nishio claiming Nishio city nicknamed “Little Kyoto” was better than Kyoto — so I took him up on this challenge and discovered a real destination gem that really impressed me.

📍 Where is Nishio?
From Shin-Anjo Station (Tokaido Shinkansen, Kodama) take the Meitetsu Line to Nishio.

🏠 Rise’s Guest House


❤️ This video is supported by Aichi Prefecture’s “Aichi ‘Tsu’ Rhythm Promotion Project”.

🎌 Nishio City Tourism Association:


  1. Thanks John for uploading this video. I think it's good to visite unknown places like this. Like this video it gives you good insite of places where nobody comes. And you can connect more with the local people. When i visit Japan I'll visit this town.Thanks for this recommendation. Arigato 🙏🙏✌✌🙇🙇 Mate Ne

  2. Nishio looks like the perfect destination to get away from crowds and still have an authentic Japanese experience. Thanks for sharing so many different aspects of the city. Definitely a place I'll be visiting on a future trip.

  3. Im from Nagoya so whenever i see the rare case of a person visiting Aichi, it’s so cool!

  4. OMG I want to live there! What a wonderful town, guesthouse and Guy! Thank you for making this video. I know where I’m visiting when I return to Japan this year

  5. Nishio is TINY. It really only has the castle and the garden. That's it. It's beautiful indeed, but comparing it to Kyoto with literally hundreds of shrines and temples !?

  6. most pass Aichi/Nagoya in general, which is sad because Aichi/Nagoya can handle much more tourists to combat overtourism in Kyoto

  7. Just put this on my list. Not a fan that JR doesn't go there though haha. Kyoto is more convenient for JR Pass holders but this vibe is more me. Kyoto is too crazy.

  8. looks like the same city Godzilla would attack in Godzilla Minus One. but my goodness, looks so beautiful!

  9. This place is a delight to explore off the beaten p h. If I were able to travel to Japan, this would be on my ag nda. My husband hates crowds, so this would fit the bill.

  10. 😊off the beats paths❤cozy town😊love the unagi…tip best holding is under the head😂great find john~☆

  11. ビデオから懐かしいな気分です。とってももう一度日本に行きたいんです。でも今おじいちゃんだから多分行いないでしょう。

  12. Countries like Japan and Italy are just full of breathtaking, interesting, and delicious small cities and towns. Like 2/3 of them will take your breath away. And they're all fairly well connected by buses or trains. Visit Florence or Kyoto once, but then make a tiny effort to go somewhere off the beaten track. You'll be richly rewarded.

  13. Kyoto looks interesting city so why not visit there🤔I would ,great sceneries and all😎Thank you for sharing this 🙂👍!!!

    You have me sold! I'm MOVING to Japan! lol I would LOVE to visit Nishio but I'm afraid I would fall in love and never leave (is that a bad thing? lol) There is just so much to love about the 'regular, everyday Japan'!! from the food (of course!!) to even the look of the brinks lining the alley… it's just done better in Japan!
    I've thought about what it would be like moving into a fixer-upper in the Japanese country side and what it would be like to live there everyday… and that does seem a little bit scary… You don't have many choices in pretty much everything when you live in the country (one market, one gas station, one form of public transportation, one neighbor lol) but in a city like Tokyo there can be TOO MUCH (too many choices for dinner, too much noise, too many buildings and not enough nature, too many people) … but a small city like Nisho is exactly enough… And it really does seem like a little version of Kyoto… I LOVE IT!!!
    Thank you for showing us such a wonder place! 🙂

  15. Nagoya is my favourite place ! So many treasures! Thank you so much for exploring this wonderful area !

  16. Thanks John, Rise’s guesthouse looks great, so does Nishio.
    Are the Ebi Sembei gluten free? Rice flour and shrimp, no wheat flour?

  17. I was just in Nagoya on a recent trip, and after checking out Ghibli Park one day I had a free day to do a few things. It would have been cool to zip down to here, I'll have to look into doing this the next time I go.

  18. OMG I wouldn't go there to visit I would go there to live That is the kind of place I could move to and live a very fulfilling rest of my life, Thank you John for showing this wonderful place to us. This is why I love your channel so much.

  19. Great video John. This has always been my way of exploring Japan, it takes a bit more effort to research & explore but repeat travellers should have the confidence to get out amongst it in Japan. It will help revitalise local areas too! There are so many interesting little destinations across the whole of Japan that would love to have visitors.

  20. Visited Kyoto and Osaka recently and I guess I was in touristy areas bc I was very overwhelmed. Shoulder to shoulder with other tourists and I could tell some locals in that area had shorter fuses. Next visit, we will look for less traveled, beautiful places like these. Thanks for your videos!

  21. Thanks John, My wife and I love the traditional ryokans. Each time that we go to Japan, we try to find something as unique and special as Nishio. Next time for sure!!!

  22. Can you please make a video on hidden gems of Nagoya? It was second most favorite city in japan during my last 6 week trip! Nothing still beats Nagasaki for me thought 😊

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