Takayama Inari · Aomori

Situado cerca del mar en Tsugaru en la prefectura de Aomori está dedicado a Inari Ōkami. Es famoso por los muchos torii rojos -Senbon Torii- que serpentean con vistas a pequeños lagos y puentes que adornan el Santuario.
Es visitado por locales, personas de otros lugares por su poder espiritual como dios de las buenas cosechas, la seguridad en el mar y favorecer los negocios.
Located near the sea in Tsugaru in Aomori Prefecture, it is dedicated to Inari Ōkami. It is famous for the many red torii – Senbon Torii – that wind their way around overlooking small lakes and bridges that adorn the Shrine.
It is visited by locals and people from other places for its spiritual power as the god of good harvests, safety at sea and favouring business.

Music : Inari´s song · Danny Fortress

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