Experience Japan’s Oldest Tradition of Hot Spring Therapy | Toji Life at Osawa Onsen Jisuibu

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💻Osawa Onsen Toujiya
Website: https://www.oosawaonsen.com/touji/
*This video was filmed with the hotel’s permission.

🗒 How to book
Trip.com: https://www.trip.com/t/5y418UI1IO2
Agoda: https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3TLBA5+BIDQL6+4X1W+BW0YB&a8ejpredirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.agoda.com%2Fosawa-onsen-toujiya%2Fhotel%2Fdefault-city-km.html%3Fcid%3D1844104

🚃🚶‍♀️How to Get There
About 30 minutes from Hanamaki Station by free shuttle bus or local bus.
MAP: https://maps.app.goo.gl/u7QNPkdbNAsj4aVr7

💰 Price
9,240 yen (59.29 USD / € 57.09) for two people.
*Includes about 3,000 yen for rental items.
*Excludes dinner, breakfast, and purchases at the shop.
*Prices may vary depending on the season and room type.

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⌛️ Timestamps
0:00 Opening
0:12 How to get there
4:02 What is Toji?
4:40 Front desk & shop
6:25 Nostalgic traditional interiors
8:50 Room tour
12:43 Indoor bath: Yakushi-no-Yu
14:36 Women’s open-air bath: Kawabe-no-Yu
16:09 Cooking at the shared kitchen
23:09 Connecting with Other Guests
24:02 Night scenes
24:41 Mixed open-air bath: Osawa-no-Yu
27:35 Shopping at the store
28:37 Relaxing in the room
30:54 Brushing teeth & Futons
31:44 Breakfast
33:44 Toyosawa-no-Yu
34:19 Summary of the stay, including costs

#toji #onsen #ohtani #japan #japantravel #asmr #cc_for_subtitle

・Titles, descriptions, and subtitles are provided by automatic translation and may contain inaccuracies.
・The prices in the video are based on the exchange rate at the time of editing.
・Prices may vary with the season.
・We may use affiliate links.


  1. This stay might be a bit tricky for overseas travelers or families with kids. It was such a great way to experience Japanese culture💭 Thank you for watching and subscribing to our channel☺If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to hit that like button, leave a comment, and share it with your friends!!

    Onsen Ryokan Playlist

    It's Time to Travel Membership

  2. いつも動画見させてもらってます!

  3. The most magical adventure in the snow! I loved the view from the bridge with the snow falling. Thank you as always, with love from South Africa x

  4. This trip was a much budget that during these videos.I also like this old traditional hotel so much. Thanks for your sharing.

  5. Wow! Such a unique experience! This video had a completely different vibe in a cozy and wholesome way 🥰 Arigato gozaimasu 🇦🇺💜🇯🇵

  6. Thank you for introducing this Toji Life with us, thats really interesting. The outdoor baths look so amazing, and it must be wonderful in winter, with the snow. The body in the hot bath, and the head in the fresh winter air.

    I think I would stay 2 nights, and on one night cook, and on the other night, eat a cooked meal in the dining hall.

    My only "problem" with this inn, is not having a toilet in the room.

  7. Another relaxing video from you. The stoves in the kitchen reminded me of the science lab at my old school 😅. Thank you 🙏

  8. Has there been any dishes you’ve had on y’all’s trip that you’ve wanted to recreate? I love cooking vids, and it was a joy to watch you guys make dinner❤️

  9. When you started cooking, I wondered what dish you were going to make. They were the same ingredients as for Dutch 'hutspot'. Now I might try it Japanese style.

  10. 湯治に興味があり調べていたらこちらのお宿が出てきて気になっていたので、動画にまとめてくださって嬉しいです♡

  11. I wouldn't be able to immerse well into the Toji life, tbh. I'm not big on sharing everything with strangers. Here in Canada, sharing a house with strangers is already a pain in the heiny. It's better to live with your family, really.

  12. надеюсь эти места прекрасной Японии мне ещё удасться посетитт.

  13. Waww
    Un lugar hermoso
    Gracias por el video
    Lo disfrute mucho

    Me gusta mucho el arreglo de tus uñas en los videos
    Muy elegante y de buen gusto
    Así como las mangas en tu ropa

    Muy buen estilo

    Ese lugar que visitaron es hermoso con la nieve
    Saludos desde Guadalajara, Jalisco. México

  14. 🐰🐰. 😍😍😍💐💐💐💐🌹🌹🌹😘😘😘😀😀😀😀💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏. Thanks for sharing!!

  15. How interesting! I have read the Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata-san, and it feels like he described a stay in a place like this one. Thank you!

  16. What a different experience from what you're used to, and us too. Question : what were the round blue, green, & red balls in the candy corner?

  17. I can’t believe you had to pay for the gas to cook with lol! It looks like a beautiful place to stay though that’s for sure. Thank you for taking us along 😊

  18. Of all onsen review videos on youtube, your's is by far the best. Very informative even without the narration. Question, after having watched a number of your videos. Are most onsens, even remote ones friendly and accepting of non-Japanese speakers? I ask because a lot of the ryokans tend to be very personal in their service – from the introduction and welcome to explaining meals, etc. Thank you!

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