Exploring Sapporo: A Day Trip to Otaru, Sapporo Beer Museum, AOAO Aquarium & More!

Join us on an unforgettable journey through Sapporo, Japan! In this video, we take you along as we explore some of the most iconic spots in the region. From a charming day trip to the historic town of Otaru, famous for its beautiful canal and glassware, to the rich history of the Sapporo Beer Museum and the mouth-watering delights at the Sapporo Beer Garden.

Immerse yourself in the marine wonders of the AOAO Aquarium and experience the bustling energy of Nijo Market, where fresh seafood and local delicacies await. We had an incredible time soaking in the culture, flavors, and sights of Sapporo, and we can’t wait to share it all with you. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more adventures!

This video was made with Clipchamp

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