Tsukiji outer market: Tokyo must-do or tourist trap?? #shorts #japan #tokyo #japantravel #travel

Tsukiji outer market: Tokyo must-do or no? 🐠🍣 #tsukijioutermarket #tsukijifishmarket #toyosu #tokyoeats #tokyotips #tokyotravel #japantravel #japan #tokyo #tokyoitinerary #laxtoluxury // things to do in tokyo, tokyo itinerary ideas, what to do in japan, japanese yen is more affordable

1 Comment

  1. Absolutely! Don't listen to the haters. I go every time I'm there because it is fun & everything you want to try of Japan is just one booth away in one location. I also travel extensively and go every time. It's the same for me when I visit certain other cities/countries even if it is touristy, just to indulge that first day of sampling that country's unique foods in small bites.

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